全般 | 金属鉱物資源 | 非金属鉱物資源 | その他 |
リンク| 鉱物資源| 鉱物資源論|鉱物資源図| 鉱物資源経済論|鉱物資源価格| |
金属鉱物資源| クリティカルマテリアル| |
工業鉱物資源| 土石資源| |
ハバート・ピーク| 鉱業法による『鉱物』| |
地球資源(Earth Resource)の3大グループの一つが鉱物資源(Mineral Resource)である。鉱物資源は金属鉱物資源(Metallic Mineral Resource)と非金属鉱物資源(Non-metallic Mineral Resource)とに分けられる。 目的の元素(Element)にまで分離して(Separate)利用する場合が金属鉱物資源であり、鉄(Iron)・アルミニウム(Aluminium、Aluminum)・銅(Copper)・亜鉛(Zinc)・鉛(Lead)のように比較的消費量の多いベースメタル(Base Metal)と、比較的消費量の少ないレアメタル(Rare Metal)とに分けられる。さらに、貴金属(Precious Metal、Noble Metal)のようなグループ分けもよく使われる。 一方、金属鉱物資源以外を非金属鉱物資源と呼ぶが、これらは工業鉱物資源(Industrial Mineral Resource)とも呼ばれる。また、砂(Sand)や砂利(Gravel)などは土石資源(Stone Resource)と呼ばれるが、ここでは非金属鉱物資源に含める。 |
リンク |
【クリティカルマテリアル】(Critical Material)
鉱物資源(Mineral Resource) |
Stephen A. Nelson氏による『Mineral
Resources』 (HP2012年) |
Almost all Earth materials are used by humans for something. We require metals for making machines, sands and gravels for making roads and buildings, sand for making computer chips, limestone and gypsum for making concrete, clays for making ceramics, gold, silver, copper and aluminum for making electric circuits, and diamonds and corundum (sapphire, ruby, emerald) for abrasives and jewelry.(以下略) |
Reserves & Mineral Resources』 (HP2012年) |
A mineral resource is a concentration or occurrence of material of intrinsic economic interest on the earth’s crust in such form and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge. Mineral resources are sub-divided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into Inferred, Indicated and Measured categories.(以下略) |
INSPIRE(Infrastructure for Spatial Information
in Europe)による『D2.8.III.21
Data Specification on Mineral Resources . Draft Guidelines』 (2011年) |
(前略)In the INSPIRE Directive, Mineral Resources theme is defined as “Mineral resources including metal ores, industrial minerals, etc., where relevant including depth/height information on the extent of the resource”.(後略) |
Reserve & Resource Definitions』 (2003年) |
Mineral Resource: a concentration or occurrence of material of economic interest in or on the earth's crust in such form and quantity that there are reasonable and realistic prospects for eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, continuity, and other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated from specific geological evidence and knowledge, or interpreted from a well-constrained and portrayed geological model. Mineral Resources are subdivided, in order of increasing confidence in respect of geoscientific evidence, into Inferred, Indicated, and Measured categories. |
48th Annual Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Instituteによる『International Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Classification and Reporting Systems』 (2002年) |
(前略)A Mineral Resource (reported as ‘in-situ mineralization estimates’ in South Africa and as ‘potentially mineable mineralization’ in the SME Reporting Guide) is a concentration or occurrence of material of intrinsic economic interest in or on the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. Those portions of a mineralized deposit which do not have reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction must not be included in a Mineral Resource. The geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource (such as location, quantity, grade, and continuity) are known, estimated, or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge.(後略) |
The Code is applicable to all minerals, as defined in the Minerals Act No 50 of 1991, for which Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves is required by the JSE. Minerals are defined in this Act as: any substance whether in solid, liquid or gaseous form, occurring naturally in or on the earth, in or under water or in tailings or dumps, and having been formed by or subjected to a geological process, excluding water but including sand, stone, rock, gravel and clay, as well as soil other than topsoil. |
USGSのNational Wetlands Research Centerによる『MINERAL RESERVES,
resource potential, and certainty of assessment have been adopted
by the Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Mines to foster more
uniform terminology and more accurate communication. The exact
nomenclature used depends on the commodity being described, but
the unified terminology can be applied to all commodities. The terminology of McKelvey (1972) for both discovered and undiscovered mineral resources, modified by Brobst and Pratt (1973, p. 1-8), has been adopted with minor changes for joint use by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey (1976a, b, 1980). This terminology applies to the description of the mineral endowment of an area. Resource assessment studies evaluate the likelihood of the occurrence of mineral deposits (resources) in terms of levels of mineral resource potential and the certainty of the assessment (Goudarzi, 1984). The likelihood of occurrence is not a measure of the resources themselves; consequently, the McKelvey classification should not be used in assessment studies except for descriptions of identified resources. RESERVES AND RESOURCES The total mineral endowment of an area is divided into two major parts: identified resources and undiscovered resources. These, in turn, are subdivided on the basis of the adequacy of knowledge about the deposits and current economic factors (fig. 21). The definitions of reserve and resource terms as follows are quoted or paraphrased from Geological Survey Circular 831 (U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey, 1980). Resource. A concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid, or gaseous materials in or on the Earth's crust in such form that economic extraction of a commodity is regarded as feasible, either currently or at some future time.(以下略) |
⇒鉱業法による『鉱物』 | |
Mining IQ(a division of IQPC)による『Mineral
Resource』 (HP2012年) |
Mineral Resource is defined as a concentration or occurrence of natural, solid, inorganic or fossilized organic material in or on the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge. |
Resource』 (HP2012年) |
What is a Mineral resource and how to quantify
it? A mineral resource is by definition: A concentration or occurrence of natural, solid, inorganic or fossilized organic material in or on the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge.(以下略) |
Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counselによる『Queensland Mineral Resources Act 1989』 (2012年) |
(前略) 6 Meaning of mineral (1) A mineral is a substance− (a) normally occurring naturally as part of the earth’s crust; or (b) dissolved or suspended in water on or within the earth’s crust; or (c) that may be extracted from a substance mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b). (2) Subject to subsection (3), each of the following is a mineral− (a) any type of clay; (b) foundry sand; (c) coal seam gas; Notes− 1 For what is coal seam gas and incidental coal seam gas, see section 318AC. 2 See also part 7AA, division 8, subdivision 1. (d) limestone; (e) marble; (f) a product that may be extracted or produced by an underground gasification process for coal or oil shale (mineral (f)) and another product that may result from the carrying out of the process (also mineral (f)); Examples of underground gasification processes−combustion, consumption, heating, leaching and reaction Example of another product−gas desorbed as a result of an underground gasification process (g) peat; (h) salt, including brine; (i) oil shale; Note−For what is oil shale, see section 318AD. (j) silica, including silica sand; (k) rock mined in block or slab form for building or monumental purposes. (3) Despite subsections (1) and (2)− (a) clay (other than kaolin and bentonite) is only a mineral if it is mined for use for its ceramic properties; and Examples of uses of clay for its ceramic properties− . ・ for brick or tile making . ・ for pottery making (b) limestone, silica and silica sand is only a mineral if it is mined for use for its chemical properties; and (c) mineral (f) is only a mineral if− (i) the coal or oil shale, from which it is extracted or produced, is held under a mineral development licence and it has been added to the licence under section 208; or (ii) the coal or oil shale, from which it is extracted or produced, is held under a mining lease and it is specified in the lease. (d) each of the following is not a mineral− (i) soil, sand, gravel or rock (other than rock mentioned in subsection (2)(k)) if it is to be used, or to be supplied for use, as sand, ravel or rock, whether intact or in broken form; (ii) living matter; (iii) steam or water. (後略) |
CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitionsによる『CIM
DEFINITION STANDARDS - For Mineral Resources and
Mineral Reserves』 (2010年) |
(前略)A Mineral Resource is a concentration or occurrence of diamonds, natural solid inorganic material, or natural solid fossilized organic material including base and precious metals, coal, and industrial minerals in or on the Earth.s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge.(後略) |
CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitionsによる『CIM DEFINITION STANDARDS On Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves』 (2004年) |
(前略)A Mineral Resource is a concentration or occurrence of natural, solid, inorganic or fossilized organic material in or on the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge.(後略) |
![]() ![]() ![]() 〔RIETI〔(独)経済産業研究所〕による鉱物資源政策プラットフォームの中の『主要鉱物資源の供給障害が日本経済に及ぼす影響に関する調査研究』から〕 |
鉱物資源論 |
鉱物資源図 |
地質調査総合センター(HP/2014/12)による『鉱物資源図』から |
鉱物資源経済論 |
鉱物資源価格 |
![]() 鉄鉱石価格の推移(年次) 鉄のピークは2011年(168) |
![]() 貴金属価格の推移(年次) 金のピークは2012年(1,668)、プラチナのピークは2011年(1,720)・2008年(1,576) |
![]() 非鉄金属価格の推移(年次) アルミニウムのピークは2007年(2,640)・1988年(2,547)・2011年(2,401)、銅のピークは2011年(8,824)・2007年(7,132)、鉛のピークは2007年(2,579)・2011年(2,401)、ニッケルのピークは2007年(37,136)・2011年(22,909)、錫のピークは2011年(26,051)・2013年(22,282)・2008年(18,467)、亜鉛のピークは2006年(3,267) |
![]() ウラン価格の推移(年次) ウランのピークは2007年(99)・2011年(56) |
(株)FREELABO(HP/2015/5)による世界経済のネタ帳の中の『コモディティ』から |
![]() (1) - B ベースメタルの価格動向 中国等新興国での需要増を背景に価格上昇等大きく変動。金融商品化も変動に影響。 ![]() (2) - B レアメタルの価格動向(ニッケル、モリブデン、タングステン、プラチナの事例) ベースメタルに比べて、マーケットが小さいため、価格のボラティリティが大きい。 資源エネルギー庁資源・燃料部(2014/5)による『鉱物資源をめぐる現状と課題』から |
![]() Abundance-Price Source of data: USGS, EIA, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, others Price(2011?)による『Energy Critical Elements - Securing Materials for Emerging Technologies』から |
![]() 第1-2-1-1図 国際商品市況の推移 |
![]() 第1-2-1-2図 主要資源・食料価格の推移(過去10年、月次) |
経済産業省による『通商白書2011』の『第1章世界経済の現状と課題 第2節世界経済の抱えるリスク 1.資源・食料価格の高騰の要因とその影響』から |
![]() (図表2)金・銅・原油・大豆の市況の推移 |
![]() (図表7)各非鉄ベースメタルの市況とLME指定倉庫在庫の推移 |
![]() (図表8)各貴金属価格とドル実効相場の推移 |
芥田(2011/3)による『国際商品市況の現状と見通し〜原油、ベースメタル、貴金属、農産物〜』から |
![]() 図 6 銅及びアルミニウムの国際価格の推移 |
![]() 図 7 鉛及び亜鉛の国際価格の推移 |
![]() 図 8 金及び白金の国際価格の推移 |
![]() 図 9 ニッケルの国際価格の推移 |
外務省経済安全保障課(2008/7)による『非鉄金属の需給動向とその背景』から |
金属鉱物資源 |
![]() 鉱物資源の全体像 我が国では、鉄、ベースメタル(銅、鉛、亜鉛等)、貴金属、レアアースをはじめとするレアメタル(ニッケル、マンガン等)など、様々な鉱物資源が産業で使用されている。 |
![]() 鉱種別生産量の比較(2012年) |
![]() 鉱物資源の市場規模の比較(2012年) |
![]() 国際競争力の高い製品に鉱物資源は不可欠 |
資源エネルギー庁資源・燃料部(2014/5)による『鉱物資源をめぐる現状と課題』から |
![]() 元素の世界生産量と価格(2004年) |
![]() 元素の地殻存在度と価格(2004年) |
![]() 元素の地殻存在度とR/P(2004年) |
山冨(2008/5)による『資源開発技術』から |
クリティカルマテリアル(Critical Material) |
![]() 図1. 米国のクリーンエネルギー経済におけるクリティカル・マテリアル(2011年-2015年) (出典:U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: “Critical Materials Strategy” (Dec. 2011)) |
![]() (出典:U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: “Critical Materials Strategy” (Dec. 2011)) |
![]() 図2.EUのクリティカル・ローマテリアル (出典:REPORT ON CRITICAL RAW MATERIALS FOR THE EU) |
![]() ※○:critical, △:near critical、各レポートより筆者作成 1米国におけるクリーン経済に関する短期的な評価結果 2ハイテク産業に関する評価 |
![]() 図4.国内における各鉱種の市場規模(百万$) |
![]() 図5.我が国における安定供給上の鉱種別重要度マップ |
![]() 図6.重要鉱種イメージ図 |
有賀(2015/5)による『金属鉱物資源の安定供給に関する一考察』から |
![]() Fig. 2. Discrimination diagram, commonly referred to as a criticality matrix, showing the relative economic importance of mineral commodities most susceptible to supply disruptions in today's resource market according to a recent report by the European Commission(2010). In this instance, only the economically important commodities with a high supply risk (N5 and 1, respectively) were classified as critical (purple field). Low supply-risk industrially important materials (beige field) can potentially become critical if any of the risk-defining variables (e.g., political stability in the source region) change. Commodities in the blue field (only a portion of it shown in this figure) are not considered critical in the cited report, but some of these commodities (in particular, Li) have been identified as near-critical or strategic by other organizations (cf. Table 1). The chemical symbols are followed by the criticality score, assigned to these different types of resources by Skirrow et al. (2013) based on their synthesis of several assessment reports, and by the weighted score of the relative importance of end-use applications for some of the metals for the US economy (separated by a forward slash), evaluated on a scale of 0 to 4 (Committee on Critical Mineral Impacts on the US Economy, 2008). Chakhmouradian et al.(2015)による『From “strategic” tungsten to “green” neodymium: A century of critical metals at a glance』から |
![]() * Supply data from the 54 materials assessed in this report, sources in Annex C |
![]() Figure 5: Updated criticality assessments for the EU for 2013 |
![]() Figure 6: Comparison of EU critical raw materials from 2010 and 2013. *denotes new material in scope |
![]() Figure 7: Changes in concentration and production-weighted World Governance Indicator (WGI) for selected metals grouped by 2008 tonnage. The values of the WGI vary modestly year to year therefore the large variations seen are due to changes in the relative (country) concentration of production. Source: Buijs, Sievers and Tercero Espinoza (2013): Proceedings of the ICE - Waste and Resource Management, 165 (4) 201-208. http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/warm.12.00010 |
European Commission(Ad hoc Working Group)(2014/5)による『Report on Critical Raw Materials for the EU』から 『Report on Critical Raw Materials for the EU Critical Raw Materials Profiles』(205p)も参照。 |
![]() Figure 1 Critical elements produced as by-products and co-products of base metals (Resnick Institute, 2011) |
![]() Figure 2 Recycling rates for critical materials (UNEP, 2011a) |
![]() |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(2012/3)(英国)による『A Review of National Resource Strategies and Research』から |
![]() Figure 1-1. Key Materials within the Periodic Table of the Elements |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() Figure 5-1. Short-Term (0-5 years) Criticality Matrix |
![]() Figure 5-3. Comparison of Short-Term Criticality Assessment between this Strategy and the 2010 Critical Materials Strategy |
![]() Figure 5-2. Medium-Term (5-15 years) Criticality Matrix |
![]() Figure 5-4. Comparison of Medium-Term Criticality Assessment between this Strategy and the 2010 Critical Materials Strategy |
![]() |
U.S.Department of Energy(2011/12)(米国)による『Critical Materials Strategy』から |
Energy Critical Elements - Securing Materials for Emerging
Technologies 1. Critical and strategic minerals will change with time. 2. Demand is high. 3. China will be a major force in the world of strategic and critical minerals. 4. The U.S.A. has the right geology to be a major force as well for many, but not all, minerals. Definition: Energy-critical elements (ECEs) are a class of chemical elements that currently appear critical to one or more new energy-related technologies. A shortage of these elements would significantly inhibit large-scale deployment, which could otherwise be capable of transforming the way we produce, transmit, store, or conserve energy. We reserve the term ECE for chemical elements that have not been widely extracted, traded, or utilized in the past, and are therefore not the focus of wellestablished and relatively stable markets. Constraints on availability of ECEs A. Crustal abundance, concentration, and distribution B. Geopolitical risk C. Risks of joint production D. Environmental and social concerns E. Response times in production and utilization |
![]() |
Price(2011?)による『Energy Critical Elements−Securing Materials for Emerging Technologies』から |
工業鉱物資源 |
土石資源 |
ハバート・ピーク |
![]() Fig. 1. The exergy replacement cost loss of the main non-fuel mineral commodities on earth in the 20th century. ![]() Fig. 2. The exergy replacement cost loss of the main 15 non-fuel mineral commodities on earth in the 20th century, excluding iron and aluminium. ![]() Fig. 3. Depletion degree in % of the main non-fuel mineral commodity reserves. ![]() Fig. 4. The Hubbert peak applied to world iron, aluminium and copper production. Data in ktoe. ![]() Fig. 7. The exergy countdown of the most extracted minerals in the 20th century. Valero & Valero(2010)による『Physical geonomics: Combining the exergy and Hubbert peak analysis for predicting mineral resources depletion』から |
鉱業法による『鉱物』 |
1.概要 経済産業省(HP/2011/12)による『鉱業法第六条の二の鉱物を定める政令について』の中の『鉱業法第六条の二の鉱物を定める政令について』(2011/12/20)から |
(適用鉱物) 『鉱業法』から 本ウェブサイトにおける扱い: |