アルミニウム資源(Aluminium Resource)に関連する情報を集めている。金属鉱物資源(Metallic Mineral Resource)の中でも重要であり、消費量も鉄に次いで多い。ギブス石〔gibbsite、Al(OH)3〕を主とする複数の鉱物の集合体であるボーキサイト(bauxite)が主要な鉱石である。これは、風化作用(weathering)の結果としてアルミニウム以外の成分が溶脱されたもので、主に熱帯地域で形成された。従って、現在の赤道周辺地域に多く分布する。 2015年の世界埋蔵量トップ5カ国はギニア・オーストラリア・ブラジル・ベトナム・ジャマイカであり、同年の世界生産量トップ5ヶ国(ボーキサイト)はオーストラリア・中国・ブラジル・マレーシア・インドである。 |
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Fig. 1. Localization of large bauxite districts and provinces with large and superlarge deposits relative to continental tectonic structures of the Earth. (1) Alpine folded complexes; (2) Cimmerian folded complexes; (3) plate complexes of young (epi-Hercynian) platforms; (4) Hercynian folded complexes (including shields and anteclises of young platforms); (5) Caledonian folded complexes (including shields and anteclises of young platforms); (6) plate complexes of ancient platforms; (7) Baikalian folded complexes (including shields and anteclises of young platforms); (8) Proterozoic and younger folded complexes (including shields and anteclises of young platforms); (9-11) genetically different bauxite provinces, districts, and deposits in aluminosilicate rocks: (9) residual (lateritic), (10) sedimentary, (11) in karstified carbonate rocks (karst); (12) eastern boundary of the activated segment of the Asian continent (a) and boundaries of island-arc zones (b). Superlarge bauxite ore provinces, districts, and deposits: (1) Caribbean province (Jamaica Island): Saint Ann, Cockpit Country,Essex Valley, and Manchester deposits); (2-5) deposits of the Guiana province: (2) Pijiguaos, (3) Trombetas, (4) Onverdacht,(5) Paragominas; (6-7) West African province: (6) Boque district (Dian Dian deposit), (7) Boque district (Sangaredi deposit);(8) Fria district (Fria deposit); (9) Pita Labe district (Bantinel deposit); (10) Tuge district (Pontiolo deposit); (11) Cameroon subprovince(Minim Martap deposit); (12) Mediterranean province (Brignoles deposit, France; Lika deposit, Bosnia; Niksic deposit, Montenegro);(13-15) East European province: (13) Belgorod district (Vislovka deposit), (14) North Onega district (Iksa and Plesetsk deposits),(15) Middle Timan district (Vezhayu-Voryvka deposits); (16) North Ural district (Cheremukhovo, Kal’ya, and Krasnaya Shapochka deposits); (17) West Turgai district (Krasnyi Oktyabr deposit; (18) Hindustan province (Panchpatmali and other deposits); (19) Chinese province (Yunnan, Guichzhou, and Shandung deposits); (20) Indochinese province (Tuy Duc, Bao Loc, and other deposits);(21-24) Australian province: bauxite ore districts and deposits: (21) Darling, (22) Kimberley, (23) Gove, (24) Weipa. Fig. 2. Evolution of bauxite formation scale in the Phanerozoic depending on climate variations. Modified after (Mikhailov, 1975). (I) Thermal regime: (C) cold periods, (H) hot periods; (II) humidity: (D) dry periods, (H) humid periods; (III) style of tectonic motions in the Earth’s surface: (R) regressive stages, (T) transgressive stages; (IV) approximate distribution of reserves of various bauxites in different geological epochs (columns). (1-3) Major genetic bauxite groups: (1) lateritic, (2) sedimentary, (3) karstic. Bogatyrev et al.(2009)による『Formation conditions and regularities of the distribution of large and superlarge bauxite deposits』から |
Figure 1. World distribution of karst and laterite bauxite deposits. Figure 3. Grade versus reserves plot for karst and laterite type bauxite deposits. Data from CRC 525 database. Figure 5. Time trends in bauxite production from 1900 to 2001 and projected for period 2002 to 2025 assuming an annual increase of 1.7% for future bauxite production. Data source: CRC 525 database; USGS Minerals Yearbook, 2001; Kelly and others, 2003. Figure 7. World distribution of bauxite reserves according to tonnages of recoverable alumina (rec.Al2O3). Further explanation is given in text. Data from CRC 525 database. Meyer(2004)による『Availability of bauxite reserves』から |
Figure 1 World bauxite prtovinces. Gow and Lozej(1993)による『Bauxite』から |
需給 |
世界のアルミ生産量の推移(新地金の生産) |
2010年のアルミ新地金生産国ベストテン(全世:40,811千トン) |
2010年のアルミ新地金消費国ベストテン(全世界計:約39,680千トン) |
(社)日本アルミニウム協会(HP/2011/9)による『世界のアルミ産業』から |
日本の新地金輸入構成ソース |
日本の新地金供給の変遷 |
(社)日本アルミニウム協会(HP/2011/9)による『日本のアルミ産業(構造・原料輸入)』から |
日本のマテリアルフロー |
JOGMEC(2011)による『鉱物資源マテリアルフロー』の『6 アルミニウム (Al)』から |