This thematic map shows two variables; 1) coloration indicates
reserve(green) − deficit(red)1 of national biocapacity
and 2) area indicates absolute consumption of biocapacity.
Consumption = Appropriated National Biocapacity + Imports
- Exports
The area of each country has been distorted to represent its
consumption i.e.; its ecological footprint. Countries which appear
larger than normal are consuming more than their fair share2
and smaller countries are consuming less3.
1. Features with missing data are shown in blue,
and are scaled as if they were in ecological balance.
2. faire share; global biocapacity per capita, also known
as "personal planetoid", currently 2.1 gha. Note that
this does not take into account reserves for biodiversity.
3. The local "surplus" biocapacity of these nations
is typically exported to support the deficits of other countries.
& Facts』の『Publications』の『Key
Planet Report』からリンクされた『Fat
Map (external link)』〕
- エコロジカル・フットプリントについては『Ecological
- 『生きている地球レポート 2004年度版』から
つまり、全人類が持続可能な生活をするために必要な生物学的な生産力を保つのに必要な面積(Total biocapacity)は1.8gha(1人当たり)であるから、エコロジカル・フットプリントの世界平均の2.2ghaと比較すると、すでに人類は地球の生産能力を超えた生活(地球1個では足りない生活)をしていることになる。