地球のマントル(Mantle)に関連する情報を集めている。 |
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【アセノスフェア】〔ギリシャ語のasthenē は「weak」という意味。+sphere。〕
マントル |
図3 本研究結果から推定される新しい地球内部モデルは、上部・下部で化学組成が異なる2層構造であり、下部マントルは上部マントルに比べてケイ素に富むものであることが分かった。このことから地球全体の化学組成は始源的な隕石(従来よりもケイ素に富む)の組成に近いことが予想される。 図4 四十数億年前のマグマの海に覆われた地球は冷却の歴史とともに徐々に固化(結晶化)し、地球の内部の基本的な層構造が形成されたと考えられている。マントルが固化した後はマントルの対流運動でマントルは均質になるまで撹拌されていると予想されていたが、本研究で、現在の地球のマントルは上部と下部で依然として化学組成の不均質が存在する事が明らかになった。この結果は、地球の歴史を通じてマントルが上部と下部で十分に対流に撹拌されなかったということ、つまり、マントル上部と下部で物質のやり取りを制限するような「2層対流」が卓越していたことを強く示唆している。 東北大学大学院理学研究科・(財)高輝度光科学研究センターによる『地球のマントルは化学組成の異なる2層構造だった! ? 地球科学の定説覆す ?(プレスリリース)』(2012/5)から |
マントルの構造 ウィキペディア(HP/2012/10)による『マントル』から |
沈み込んだプレートを地震波モトグラフィーで調べると解説するセンター長の深尾良夫氏。 |
結果としてのマントル対流。 |
深尾(2007)による『沈み込んだプレートはどこへ?』から |
Fig.6 Mineralogical constitution of the earth's mantle. Proportions of minerals are shown in volume %. In the transition zone at depths of 400 〜660 km, most of minerals transform to denser phases. In the D" layer, a CaIrO3-structured phase is suggested to be stable rather than Mg-rich perovskite. 赤荻(2005)による『鉱物の相関係と地球内部の構造』から |
図7 始源的マントル(パイロライト)と中央海嶺玄武岩(MORB)を構成する鉱物の圧力(深さ)による変化. 大谷(2005)による『地球内部の岩石鉱物』から |
オフィオライト |
オフィオライト層序 |
オフィオライトの年代頻度 |
オフィオライト世界地図 |
石渡(HP/2012/10)による『オフィオライトのページ』から |
DianaXによる『Ophiolites』(2012/3)から |
Peridotite is the main rock in the Earth's Upper Mantle and creates the foundation upon which the oceanic and continental crusts rest. At and near the surface of the earth Peridotite readily weathers to form Serpentinite (also called Serpentine). Ophiolite is another type of rock that includes Peridotite and oceanic crust. In the context of the geophysical shifts that Mother Earth is undergoing as part of her dimensional shift, it has come to me that Peridotite is the unifying element for the continental and oceanic crusts, and that locations where Peridotite and Serpentine are at or close to the land surface can serve as stabilizing points for the current shifts that are taking place planet-wide. The map below shows locations of known occurrences of Peridotite, Ophiolite and Serpentine around the world. The red dots are with the original map I started with, the green dots added from another global map that I found, and the purple dots additional location that I have found through my own research. There is still a lot that I don't understand about this project, but in my own Earth Healing work I have found that by tuning into both the surface rocks from the Upper Mantle and tuning into the Upper Mantle itself I feels connections being made that makes both the surface rocks and the Upper Mantle *happy* because of the reconnection that is taking place. If any of you live in areas where these rocks are at the surface, I encourage you to connect with these rocks in any way that feels comfortable and I would love to hear what you experience. Russ(2011)による『Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #54』(2011/8)から |
Russ(2011)による『Great Shift Newsletter #41 and Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #52』(2011/3)から |
World map showing locations of ophiolites (lines on continents) and exposures of mantle rocks on the ocean floor (dots and boxes on oceans). Figure taken from Hekinian (1982). Mervine(2011)による『Geology Word of the Week: O is for Ophiolite』(2011/2)から |
Fig. 4. Neoproterozoic ophiolites and ophiolitic regions of the world. Data sources and abbreviations were as follows: Eurasia: BC (Balkan.Carpathian ophiolites: Savov et al., 2001); E (Enganepe: Scarrow et al., 2001); KPN (870.550 Ma Kraubath-Pernegg-Hochgrossen, Austria: Melcher et al., 2002; Malitch, 2004); MC (Mona Complex,Wales: Thorpe, 1978; Tucker and Pharaoh, 1991); TCM (800。セ100 Ma Trans-Caucasian massif melange mafic.ultramafic association, Georgia (Zakariadze et al., 2007). Asia: China: SS (Shimian ophiolite, Sichuan: Shen et al., 2002); QJ (Qinling-Jiangxi ophiolite: Zhang et al., 2003); Russia: (570 Ma Agardagh Tes-Chem ophiolite: Pfander et al., 2002); (697 Ma Enisei ophiolite: Vernikovsky et al., 2001); CT (〜730 Ma Central Taimyr ophiolites: Vernikovsky and Vernikovskaya, 2001); (1020 Ma Dunzhugur ophiolite: Khain et al., 2002); Africa: Arabian.Nubian Shield (Dilek and Ahmed, 2003; Stern et al., 2004); Algeria (Black et al., 1994; Caby, 2003a); Morocco (Hefferan et al., 2000; Thomas et al., 2002; Samson et al., 2004); GC (Chameis Complex, Gariep Belt, Namibia: Frimmel et al., 1996); S. America: Rdf (Ribeirao da Folha, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Pedrosa-Soares et al., 1998); Quatipuru (Paixao and Nilson, 2001); CM (Cerro Mantiqueiras, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Leite et al., 1998); N. America: Carolina (Hibbard et al., 2002); Burin (O'Driscoll et al., 2001). Stern(2008)による『Neoproterozoic crustal growth: The solid Earth system during a critical episode of Earth history』から |
Figure 2. Idealized life cycle of a suprasubduction zone ophiolite, based on the example of the Coast Range ophiolite in California. (a) Stage 1: Birth. Flow of MORB-source asthenosphere into the wedge beneath the extending lithosphere, which is fluxed with fluids from the sinking slab. Melting occurs in response to decompression of the lithosphere and the aqueous flux from the slab, as in Figure 1; (b) Stage 2: Youth, which is the flow of new MORB-source asthenosphere into the wedge beneath the extending lithosphere slows as slab stabilizes, sinks more slowly; massive fluid flux from slab lowers solidus of previously melted mantle wedge (stage 1) to form refractory, second stage melts; (c) Stage 3: Maturity, which is the onset of semistable subduction regime, with balance between influx of virgin asthenosphere and fluids from slab, transition to calc-alkaline magma series; note approach of active spreading center with variablyenriched asthenosphere, seamounts; (d) Stage 4: Death, which is the collision of ridgecrest/spreading center with subduction zone; partial subduction of former spreading center site. Leakthrough of MORB, OIB melts, formation of very high T metamorphic sole, and onset of shallow thrusting of ophiolite over oceanic lithosphere; end of active, arc-related magmatism in ophiolite; (e) Stage 5: Resurrection, which may occur by accretionary uplift (illustrated here for the CRO of California) or by obduction onto a passive continental margin. |
Figure 6. Location map for the Oman ophiolite, showing units and locations discussed in the text. |
Figure 7. Generalized model for the formation and evolution of the Semail ophiolite, Oman. (a) Rifting begins in the late Permian, with formation of oceanic crust by the early to mid Triassic; duration of spreading implies ocean basin 2600±6000 km wide prior to ophiolite formation; Hajar indicates passive margin sediments deposited on stable Arabian craton, Hawasina indicates sediments deposited on the continental slope/rise and onto the abyssal plain; (b) Stage 1: birth, which is the initiation of NE dipping subduction along the Iranian margin; formation of Geotimes arc tholeiites, layered gabbros, and sheeted dikes; (c) Stage 2: youth, which is the continued extension of upper plate over sinking slab, coupled with fluid flux from slab, results in refractory melts formed by second stage melting of previously depleted asthenosphere; boninites, cpx-phyric lavas, wehrlite-pyroxenite, gabbronorite intrusions; (d) Stage 3: maturity, which is where subduction stabilizes, formation of calc-alkaline series lavas (andesites, dacites, and rhyolites of Alley volcanics; quartz diorite intrusions); (e) Stage 4: death, which is the collision of subduction zone with ridge crest; formation of high-T metamorphic sole overlaps in part with last stages of calc-alkaline magmatism; |
(f) Stage 4: death (continued), which shows leak-through of small volume melts of MORB asthenosphere to form Salahi volcanics, initiation of shallow overthrust of ophiolite across young, buoyant oceanic lithosphere; Stage 5: resurrection, which is the obduction of the ``dead'' ophiolite onto the passive continental margin; partial subduction of continental crust caused by pull of subducting oceanic lithosphere; delamination of this lithosphere results in rapid e-emergence of continental crust, with sliding of ophiolite toward the foreland. |
Shervais(2001)による『Birth, death, and resurrection: The life cycle of suprasubduction zone ophiolites』から |
アセノスフェア |
Velocity of seismic S-waves in the Earth near the surface in three tectonic provinces: TNA= Tectonic North America SNA= Shield North America & ATL = North Atlantic. Wikipedia(HP/2012/10)による『Lehmann discontinuity』から |
図2 PBO-1D/Mが本研究で求めた地下構造モデル。A:剛性率、B:密度構造、C:減衰構造。 名名古屋大学(2011/4)による『アセノスフェアの密度構造を推定する手法を世界で初めて開発』(Ito & Simons)から |
遷移層 |
図3.マントルの構造とプレートの運動 今回の研究により、マントル遷移層が上部マントルと同じくかんらん石を中心とした物質でできていることを明らかになるとともに、その下部に「プレートの墓場」の存在が示唆された。 SPring-8 (HP/2012/10)による『Topic 22 マントル遷移層の化学組成解明』から |
図2 岩石は圧力や温度に応じた相転移をする。ウォズレアイトやリングウッダイトが存在しているマントル遷移層では、上部マントルや下部マントルに比べてはるかに多くの水を蓄えることができる。 大谷による『地球内部を循環する水』から wadsleyite (Mg,Fe2+)2(SiO4) orthorhombic |
沈み込んだプレートの相転移現象 |
沈み込んだプレートの場所別様子。 左から南千島。中は中央千島。右はペルー。夫々様子が違っている。 |
深尾(2007)による『沈み込んだプレートはどこへ?』から |
D''層 |
B : コア-マントル境界(グーテンベルク不連続面) ウィキペディア(HP/2012/10)による『グーテンベルク不連続面』から |
図1 地球の断面図 出典サイト:http://www.edu.pe.ca/southernkings/compositionch.htm D”層 図2 MgSiO3ペロブスカイト(a)とMgSiO3ポストペロブスカイト(b) (独)理化学研究所・東京工業大学による『地球マントル最深部D”層における地震波の伝播特性を解明- 第一原理電子状態計算を用いた量子力学的原子モデルによる研究 -』(2004/7)から |