Brundrett,N.(2002): Coevolution of roots and mycorrhizas of land plants. New Phytologist, 154, 275-304.




 Here, the coevolution of mycorrhizal fungi and roots is assessed in the light of evidence now available, from palaeobotanical and morphological studies and the analysis of DNA-based phylogenies. The first bryophyte-like land plants, in the early Devonian (400 million years ago), had endophytic associations resembling vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas (VAM) even before roots evolved. Mycorrhizal evolution would have progressed from endophytic hyphae towards balanced associations where partners were interdependent due to the exchange of limiting energy and nutrient resources. Most mycorrhizas are mutualistic, but in some cases the trend for increasing plant control of fungi culminates in the exploitative mycorrhizas of achlorophyllous, mycoheterotrophic plants. Ectomycorrhizal, ericoid and orchid mycorrhizas, as well as nonmycorrhizal roots, evolved during the period of rapid angiosperm radiation in the Cretaceous. It is hypothesised that roots gradually evolved from rhizomes to provide more suitable habitats for mycorrhizal fungi and provide plants with complex branching and leaves with water and nutrients. Selection pressures have cased the morphological divergence of roots with different types of mycorrhizas. Root cortex thickness and exodermis suberization are greatest in obligately mycorrhizal plants, while nonmycorrhizal plants tend to have fine roots, with more roots hairs and relatively advanced chemical defences. Major coevolutionary trends and the relative success of plants with different root types are discussed.

Key words: mycorrhizas; fungi; land plants; evolution; phylogeny; roots; morphology』



I. Introduction
II. Mycorrhizal fungi
 1. VAM fungi
 2. ECM fungi
 3. Other mycorrhizal fungi
 4. What is a mycorrhizal fungus?
III. The dawn of mycorrhizas
 1. Endophytic associations
 2. Balanced mutualistic associations
 3. Exploitative mycorrhizas
 4. Conclusions
IV. Mycorrhizal associations of living and extinct plants
 1. Bryophytes
 2. Primitive plants
 3. Gymnosperms
 4. Angiosperms
 5. Partially or fully exploitative associations
 6. The evolution of mycorrhizas continues
V. Evolution of roots
VI. The root as a habitat for fungi
 1. Control of VAM
 2. Control of ECM
 3. Other types of mycorrhizas
 4. Roots of facultatively mycorrhizal plants
 5. The divergence of roots of nonmycorrhizal plants
 6. Conclusions
VII. Mycorrhizal evolution trends
Note added in proof

Fig. 2 Proportion of angiosperm species with different categories of mycorrhizal associations using data from Trappe (1987).

図2 Trappe (1987)のデータによる、菌根群集の異なるカテゴリーに属する被子植物の種の割合。

Trappe JM. 1987. Phylogenetic and ecologic aspects of mycotrophy in the angiosperms from an evolutionary standpoint. In: Safir GR, ed. Ecophysiology of va mycorrhizal plants. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, 5-25.

〔Brundrett,N.(2002): Coevolution of roots and mycorrhizas of land plants. New Phytologist, 154, 275-304.から〕

Fig. 5 Anatomical evidence that roots evolved as habitats for mycorrhizal fungi. This diagrammatic summary illustrates typical
features of angiosperm plants and only concerns vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas.

図5 根が菌根菌に対する生息場所として進化したという解剖学的な証拠。この概略図は被子植物の模式的な特徴を示し、VA菌根に関係する部分のみである。

〔Brundrett,N.(2002): Coevolution of roots and mycorrhizas of land plants. New Phytologist, 154, 275-304.から〕


Fig. 6 Summary of mycorrhizal lineages of plants and fungi and the mycorrhizal dependency of plants. Approximate numbers of new plant lineages are shown beside arrows. Boxes and arrow widths are not to scale. (PE = partially exploitative).

図6 植物と菌類の菌根系統および植物の菌根依存性の要約。新しい植物系統の概数が矢印の下に示されている。ボックスと矢印の幅はスケールを合わせていない。(PE=不完全に搾取的)

〔Brundrett,N.(2002): Coevolution of roots and mycorrhizas of land plants. New Phytologist, 154, 275-304.から〕
