多種類の鉱物標本(Mineral Specimen)を収集して(Collect)揃えたものである。機関(Organization:大学等)による大規模(Large Scale)なもの〔質・量(Quality & Quantity)ともに〕から個人〔Individual:アマチュア(Amateur)が多い〕による小規模(Small Scale)なものまで様々である。一般には手のひらにのるサイズ〔ハンドスペシミン(Hand Specimen)と言う〕程度のものが多い。宝石級(Jewel Class)のものから雑石(Stone)クラスのものまで多様であるし、特定のグループ(Limited
Mineral Group)のみを収集したものもある。 日本でも多数の鉱山(Mine)が稼行していた時期には、立派な標本も入手できたが、現在は外国産(Foreign)でないと入手できない。 |
リンク |
日本3大鉱物標本 |
巨大鉱物(単結晶) |
(m)〔φは直径〕 |
(t) |
1 | 長石(feldspar) | 微斜長石(microcline) | KAlSi3O8 | Devis Hole Beryl Mine, Fremont County, Colorado, U.S.A. | 49.38×35.97×13.72 | 15,908.890 | 珪酸塩鉱物 |
Frikstad 9 ("Steli") Pegmatite, Iveland, Setesdal, S.Norway | 4.27×4.27×4.27 | >200.000 | |||||
(Perthitic Microcline) | (K,Na)AlSi3O8 | Tveit, Iveland district, N. of Kristiansand, Norway | 9.14×3.66×2.13 | 185.250 | |||
2 |
石英(quartz) 〔水晶(rock crystal)〕 |
SiO2 | Verloren, Hakosberge, Namibia | 20(50?) |
酸化鉱物/珪酸塩鉱物 〔Krassmann(2005)〕 |
6.1×1.52 | 39.916 | 〔iStone(HP/2015)〕 | |||||
Switzerland |
0.635 (1400 pounds) |
〔Palache(1932)〕 | |||||
3 | 緑柱石(beryl) | Be3Al2Si6O18 | Malakialina, Malagasy(現マダガスカル) | 18×3.5φ | 379.480 | 珪酸塩鉱物 | |
4 | 雲母(Mica) | 金雲母(phlogopite) | KMg3AlSi3O10(OH)2 | Lacey Mine, Loughborough Township, Ontario, Canada | 10.06×4.27φ | 333.592 | 珪酸塩鉱物 |
5 | 方解石(calcite) | CaCO3 | Helgustadir, Reydarfjordur(oの頭に¨), Iceland | 6×6×3 | 280.187 | 炭酸塩鉱物 | |
7×7×2 | 254,252 | ||||||
Iceland | 5.49×5.49×2.74 | 214.252 | |||||
6 | 長石(feldspar) | ペルト石(パーサイト、perthite) | (カリ長石中に離溶(en)した斜長石を含む) | Hugo Mine, Keystone, S.Dakota, U.S.A. | 10.67×4.57×1.83 | 230.213 | 珪酸塩鉱物 |
7 |
アンブリゴ石(燐磐石、 amblygonite) |
(Li,Na)AlPO4(F,OH) | Hugo Mine, Keystone, S.Dakota, U.S.A. | 7.62×2.44×1.83 | 102.060 | リン酸塩鉱物 | |
8 | 長石(feldspar) | 正長石(orthoclase) | KAlSi3O8 | Urals, U.S.S.R. | 10×10×≦0.40 | 101.605 | 珪酸塩鉱物 |
9 | 雲母(Mica) | 白雲母(muscovite) | KAl2AlSi3O10(OH)2 | Inikurti Mine, Nellore, India | 4.57×3.05φ | 77.111 | 珪酸塩鉱物 |
10 | 輝石(pyroxene) | リシア輝石(spodumene) | LiAlSi2O6 | Etta Mine, S.Dakota,U.S.A. | 12.80×1.83×0.91 | 66.092 | 珪酸塩鉱物 |
14.33×0.8×0.80 | 28.427 | ||||||
11 | 石膏(gypsum) | CaSO4・2H2O |
クリスタルの洞窟(Cueva de los Cristales)、 ナイカ鉱山(Naica Mine)、 チワワ州、メキシコ |
〔透明石膏(selenite)〕 長さ11、直径4 |
55 | 白亜紀の主に石灰岩層が第三紀(約26Ma)の酸性火成岩の貫入を受けて生成した鉛を主とする鉱床(Ag-Pb-Zn deposits)〔Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiet al.(2007)〕 | |
Braden Mine, Chile | 3.05×0.43×0.43 | 1.308 | 硫酸塩鉱物 | ||||
12 | 柘榴石(garnet) |
A3B2(SiO4)3 A:Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,etc. B:Fe,Al,Cr,Ti,etc. |
Kristisnsand, S.Norway | 2.3×-×- | 37.500 | 珪酸塩鉱物 | |
Barton Deposit, Gore Mt., Adirondacks, U.S.A. | 0.91φ | 1.544 | |||||
Gjφlanger, W.Norway | 1×0.7×0.4 | 0.700 | |||||
13 | トリフィル石(Triphylite) | Li(Fe,Mn)PO4 | Palermo Pegmatite, New Hampshire, U.S.A. | 2.44×1.83×1.22 | 19.511 |
リン酸塩鉱物 LiFePO4=triphylite(lithium iron phosphate) LiMnPO4=lithiophilite |
3.66×0.61×0.61 | 4.868 | ||||||
14 | 蛍石(fluorite) | CaF2 | A Dyke, Petaca District, New Mexico, U.S.A. | 2.13φ | 16.090 | ハロゲン化鉱物 | |
15 |
カーン石 (ケルナイト、kernite) |
Na2B4O6(OH)2・3(H2O) | Kramer, Kern County, California, U.S.A. | 2.44×0.91×0.91 | 3.854 | 硼酸塩鉱物 | |
16 | ドロマイト(苦灰石、dolomite) | CaMg(CO3)2 | Verloren, Hakosberge, Namibia | 2 |
炭酸塩鉱物 〔Krassmann(2005)〕 |
17 | 岩塩(halite) | NaCl | Merkers potash mine, Wartburgkreis, Thuringia, German | 1.10(cube) | 〔The Giant Crystal Project(HP/2015)〕 | ||
18 | トパーズ(topaz) | Al2SiO4(F,OH)2 | Ribaue-Alto Ligonha district, Mozambique | 0.91×0.91×0.91 | 2.677 | 珪酸塩鉱物 | |
19 | 褐廉石〔Allanite(orthite)〕 | (Ce,Ca,Y,La)2(Al,Fe3+)3(SiO4)3(OH) | Arendal, Norway | 1.14×0.38φ | 0.375 | 珪酸塩鉱物の緑簾石グループ | |
20 | カマサイト(kamacite) | (Fe,Ni) | Gressk, Minsk Oblast, U.S.S.R. | 0.92×0.54×0.23 | 0.303 | 元素鉱物の合金 | |
21 | コランダム(corundum) | Al2O3 | nr.Mica Siding, Transvaal, R.S.A.(現南ア) | 0.65×0.40φ | 0.152 | 酸化鉱物 | |
22 | 方鉛鉱(galena) | PbS | Great Laxey Mine, Isle of Man, U.K. | 0.25×0.25×0.25 | 0.118 | 硫化鉱物 | |
23 | 輝安鉱(stibnite) | Sb2S3 |
市之川鉱山 日本、愛媛県 |
0.60 | 0.007 | 硫化鉱物 | |
0.585×0.057×0.048 | 0.00741 | ||||||
0.60×0.05×0.05 | 0.00695 | ||||||
一般に巨晶(巨大な単結晶)は鉱床と呼ばれる場所で見つかることが多い。ペグマタイト鉱床が代表的であり、熱水の働きが大きい鉱脈鉱床(熱水鉱脈)およびスカルン鉱床にも産することがある。 |
![]() NAICA(HP/2015/4)による『NAICA』から |
![]() 巨大結晶、人の大きさと比較 メキシコチワワ州ナイカ鉱山(Naica Mine)の巨大は石膏結晶(selenite)。 ウィキペディア(HP/2015/4)による『クリスタルの洞窟』から |
![]() Crystal Palace Cavers in Mexico confront extreme conditions and find extraordinary beauty. National Geographic Society(Neil Shea)(2008/11)による『Cavern of Crystal Giants』から |
![]() Figure 1. Cross section of Naica mine. Mine exploits hydrothermal Pb-Zn-Ag deposit with irregular manto and pipe morphologies entirely enclosed in subhorizontally dipping carbonates (not represented for simplicity). Cavities of gypsum crystals are located in carbonates close to main and secondary faults. Galleries have been excavated down to -760 m, requiring average pumping rate of 55 m3/min to depress groundwater to -580 m with respect to phreatic level located at -120 m; Naica and Gibraltar faults act as main drains. |
![]() Figure 2. View of Cave of Crystals showing characteristic moonlight luster for which gypsum crystals are named (i.e., selenite). Two crystal morphologies include blocky crystals displaying prisms {1k0} and {-111}, and pinacoid {010} and beams, which are crystals elongated along c axis displaying only prismatic crystal faces. Note that population of crystals is much lower in ceiling of cave than on floor. For very long waiting time for nucleation, this gradation is due to a density layering of the solution filling cave (Turner, 1985), which increases the probability of nucleation from the solution located in lower part of cavern. |
![]() Figure 3. Isotope composition of sulfate molecules in gypsum, anhydrite, and water collected at Naica mine. Polygonal surface enveloping the isotope composition of water from which the gypsum crystals grew is obtained by subtracting from the gypsum values the enrichment factor of 1.65‰ for sulfur and 3.3‰ for oxygen (Thode and Monster, 1965). |
![]() Figure 4. A: Variation of anhydrite and gypsum solubility with temperature for three different values of salinity: (0) for pure calcium sulfate solutions; (1) for salinity equal to and (2) twice that found in present-day water collected at Naica mine. B: Induction time for homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation calculated for supersaturated solutions forming by differences in solubility between anhydrite and gypsum at different temperatures. C: Homogenization temperatures of 31 fl uid inclusions showing actual temperature of growth. |
Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiet al.(2007)による『Formation of natural gypsum megacrystals in Naica, Mexico』から |