ここには、大西洋(Atlantic Ocean)における主に資源(Resource)・地球科学(Earth Science)・環境(Environment)に関連する情報を集めている。 |
リンク |
地理 |
Norman Schererによる『Evidence Of Atlantis』から |
Norman Schererによる『Evidence Of Atlantis』から |
地質 |
Windows to the Universeによる『(Atlantic Seafloor Crust Age)』(HP/2017/9/16)から |
資源エネルギー |
University of BergenのCentre for Geobiologyによる『Research cruise 2014 Hydrothermal vent fields on the Arctic MId-Ocean Ridge』の『Background info Volcanic activity at the seafloor』(2014)から |
Alan Galley et al.による『Volcanogenic-associated massive sulfide deposits (VMS)』(2004?)から |
地震 |
Peter A. Slovinskyによる『Tsunamis in the Atlantic Ocean』(2016/2/29) |
This earthquake epicenter (red star) is plotted on the map with regional earthquakes M 5 – 8 since 1973. The Scotia Plate is caught between the Antarctic and South America Plates and is bounded on it's north and south sides by plate boundaries that are dominantly transform (strike-slip) boundaries. (Only the major plates are labeled) |
The recent earthquakes occurred on or near the North Scotia Ridge, the eastwest trending rise along the left-lateral transform boundary that separates the Scotia and South American Plates. |
IRIS Education & Public Outreach and The University of Portlandによる『Magnitude 7.0 SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN』(2013/11/25)から |
Lawrence W. Braile andSheryl J. Braileによる『3. Using the standard views included in SeisVolE』(2002/1/14)から |