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Iron has been known since antiquity. Iron is ubiquitous in the lithosphere as either a major constituent or in trace amounts. In abundance it ranks fourth behind oxygen, silicon and aluminum. By far the most important use of iron is in the making of steel, which is essentially an alloy of iron with carbons and other elements depending on end use. India is one of the earliest manufactures and users of iron and steel in the world. Literature survey reveals many documentary evidences such as making of various surgical instruments in the 3rd & 4th century B.C. Till 18th century iron and steel making in India was at par with that of Europe in the form of village crafts. The scene totally changed with the invention of the Bessemer process in 1856 and the Basic Open Hearth Process in 1878. These developments led to significant increase in the world steel production from 0.5 Mt. in 1870 to 28 Mt in 1900. The present annual capacity of primary steel production from the integrated steel plants is placed at about 26 Mt. from the main producers and about 70 Mt in the secondary sector by various processes.
![]() アンドラ・プラデーシュ |
![]() ジャルカンド |
![]() チャティースガル |
![]() カルナータカ |
![]() マディヤ・プラデーシュ |
![]() マハラ・シュトラ |
![]() オリッサ |
![]() ラジャスターン |
![]() タミル・ナドゥ |
Geological Survey of India(HP/2011/9)による『Detailed Information Dossier - Iron Ore』から |
![]() Figure 11. Geodynamic model for the development of the southern IOG bimodal volcanics‐BIF‐ultramafics succession (A) Initiation of oceanic subduction. Partial melting of the supra‐subduction zone mantle and development of proto‐arc with deep‐water dacitic pyroclastics. (B) Slab roll back and rifting of proto‐arc and nucleation of new arc on the rolled back subducting slab. BIF deposition on the rifted proto‐arc after the cessation of arc effusive volcanism. The model proposed here is after the generalized model suggested for Archaean SSZ ophiolite setting in figure 1 of Dilek and Polat (2008). Mukhopadhyay et al.(2011)による『A 3.51 Ga bimodal volcanics-BIF-ultramafic succession from Singhbhum Craton: Implications for Palaeoarchaean geodynamic processes from the oldest greenstone succession of the Indian subcontinent』から |
Upadyyay et al.(2010)による『Mineralogical characteristics of iron ores in Joda and Khondbond areas in eastern India with implications on beneficiation』から |
Most of the Indian iron ores are of hematite variety and 60%
of Indian hematite ore deposits are found in the states of Orissa
(33%) and Jharkhand (27%) and also in the Jamda-Koira
Valley, contained within Eastern Indian Singhbhum-Orissa Craton. Roy and Venkatesh(2009)による『Banded IronFormation to Blue Dust: Mineralogical and geochemical constraints from the Precambrian Jilling-Langalata Deposits, Eastern Indian Craton』から |
![]() Figure 1(a). Geological map of iron ore deposits of eastern India (modified after Chakraborty and Majumder 1986). (Jilling.Langalata iron ore deposits are located at the eastern limb of the synclinorium). ![]() Figure 10. Composition of Jilling BIF plotted within the Precambrian field (after Govett 1966). ![]() Figure 16. Model showing the evolutionary pattern of different types of iron ores along with BIF in the study area. Roy and Venkatesh(2009)による『Mineralogy and geochemistry of banded iron formation and iron ores from eastern India with implications on their genesis』から |
![]() FIG. 16. Schematic model for iron ore formation in the western Iron Ore Group. (A) Hypogene hydrothermal stage of massive magnetite-hematite mineralization replacing BIF. Magnetite mineralization takes place at deeper levels, microplaty hematite ore forms at shallower levels and suggests cooling and/or oxygenation of the hydrothermal solution. Altered but poorly mineralized iron formation surrounds the iron orebodies. B. Late Mesoproterozic uplift exposed the hard, hydrothermal iron ores, resulting in mechanical erosion and accumulation locally of ore-bearing basal conglomerates of the Kolhan Group. Massive magnetite ores should have been martitized along with the formation of soft saprolitic martitehematite and goethitic ores. However, the effect of Mesoproterozoic weathering is difficult to recognize in the high-grade iron ores currently exploited, as the latter have been affected by modern chemical weathering processes. C. Intense lateritic weathering in modern times led to the formation of soft iron ore through the leaching of Fe2+ and SiO2, creating secondary porosity and rendering much of the ore soft and friable. In near-surface environments, ores are recemented by the formation of goethite. Mechanical erosion of iron ores and host rocks is expressed by the accumulation of modern canga deposits. |
![]() FIG. 17. Textural and paragenetic relationships between major iron-oxide minerals (magnetite, hematite, goethite), quartz, and porosity observed in the iron ore deposits of the western Iron Ore Group. Note the different combination of processes by which high-grade iron ores can develop. |
![]() FIG. 18. Schematic model for the formation and transformation of different generations of magnetite and martite in the western Iron Ore Group. |
![]() FIG. 19. Schematic illustration of the development of different types of goethite cappings on iron ore deposits. Hydration goethite occurs in areas of sparse vegetation on hard ore outcrops, and lateritic weathering profile with lateritic crust (mobilized Fe) occurs in low-lying areas with lush vegetation. Canga indicated by small ovoids. |
Beukes, et al(2008)による『Genesis of high-grade iron ores of the Archean Iron Ore Group around Noamundi, India』から |