In this paper we have compiled water concentration data obtained
from melt inclusion in minerals, mostly quartz and topaz, from
granites and pegmatites. A small number of data come from analysis
of natural glasses. About 4600 melt inclusions are from granites,
and about 2100 melt inclusions are from pegmatites. Another 4159
values are from melt inclusions and glasses of rocks with more
than 66% (g/g) SiO2 are added belonging to
a recent compilation. The total of 10,859 melt inclusions provides
a statistically significant basis from which to derive some conclusions.
Generally, the water concentration in granite melt inclusion is
<10% (g/g) with three maxima at 4.0±1.3, 5.9±1.2, and 8.1±1.1%
(g/g) water. For pegmatites, a larger range of water contents
was found: from 2 to more than 50% (g/g) water with two distinct
maxima at 10.5±8.1 and 26.2±14.3% (g/g). We show that the great
spread and the generally high water content of the pegmatite-forming
melts (as sampled by melt inclusions) are the result of melt-melt
immiscibility processes connected with the formation of conjugate
melt fraction with contrasting physical and chemical characteristics,
which have also a major influence on the element partitioning
between such fractions. In this paper we also discuss viscosity
as an important transport property of natural silicate melts,
and we show that due to high primary water concentration in the
pegmatite-forming melts their viscosity is very low over a wide
range of temperatures. In the case of water-rich peralkaline melt
fractions the viscosity can decrease still further. Together these
suggest that liquidus under cooling as the major cause of pegmatite
textures is redundant. Furthermore we demonstrate that the effect
of boron, carbonates and bicarbonates on pegmatite melts, these
two last mostly ignored in the past, have a large influence on
the melt structure and they enable pegmatite formation in the
absence of the usual discussed fluxing elements, such as F and
Keywords: Granitic melts; Pegmatite-forming melts; Water; Raman
spectroscopy; Melt inclusion』
1. Introduction
2. Previous studies of water content of melt inclusions in minerals
of granite and pegmatites
2.1. Raman spectroscopy
2.2. Some observations on the Raman characteristics of water
in very water-rich glasses
3. Results
4. Interpretation of inclusion data
5. Discussion
5.1. Implications of the results obtained from MI
5.2. Viscosity - granitic melt versus pegmatite-forming melt
- consequences of water content
5.3. Phase separation
5.4. Melt-melt-fluid immiscibility and peralkaline melt fraction
5.5. Enrichment of carbonates and alkali elements
5.6. Enrichment of rare elements
5.7. Petrological implications and conjectures
6. Conclusions