A recent database and world distribution map of carbonatites
supports previous observations of the spatial and temporal aspects
of these rocks, and provides new observations that are important
for understanding their petrogenesis. These data reveal that there
is an overwhelming concentrations of carbonatites in Precambrian
cratonic areas, most of which are elevated topographically. Thus,
although approximately two-thirds of carbonatites are Phanerozoic
in age, at least 88% of all dated carbonatites are located in
the cratons, demonstrating a remarkable tendency for a Precambrian
host. This observation suggests a link with kimberlites as diamond-bearing
kimberlites are confined to the Archaean areas of cratons. The
age data show that in many carbonatite-bearing provinces there
has been repetition of carbonatite emplacement, with up to five
episodes separated by hundreds of millions of years. In at least
three provinces such activity extends from the late Archaean to
relatively recent times and, because of the drift of the plates,
this would seem to preclude any direct role for mantle plumes
in carbonatite genesis. Magmatism is activated when lithosphere
lesions are reopened in response to major changes in global plate
movement patterns.
Keywords: carbonatites; lithosphere control; carbonatite concentration
in cratons; kimberlite link.』
Concentration of carbonatites in Precambrian areas
Repetition of carbonatite activity in limited area over geologic
Spikes of activity across Africa indicate control by the lithosphere
Doming and uplift of the lithosphere
Sparsity of carbonatites in oceanic areas
Mantle metasomatism
Lithosphere focusing
An integrated model