Episodic seafloor spreading, ridge topography, and fault movement
at ridges find (more extreme) analogs in the arc and back-arc
setting where the volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits
that we mine today were formed. The factors affecting sulfide
accumulation efficiency and the extent to which sulfides are concentrated
spatially are the same in both settings, however. The processes
occurring at mid-ocean ridges therefore provide a useful insight
into those producing VMS deposits in arcs and back-arcs. The critical
observation investigated here is that all the heat introduced
by seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges is carried out of the
crust within a few hundred meters of the ridge axis by 〜350℃ hydrothermal
fluids. The high-temperature ridge hydrothermal systems are tied
to the presence of magma at the ridge axis and greatly reduce
the size and control the shape of axial magma intrusions. The
amount of heat introduced to each square kilometer of ocean crust
during its formation can be calculated, and its removal by high-temperature
convection allows calculation of the total base metal endowment
of the ocean basins. Using reasonable metal deposition efficiencies,
we conclude that the ocean floor is a giant VMS district with
metal resources >600 times the total known VMS reserves on land
and a copper resource which would last >6,000 years at current
production rates.』
Convection perpendicular to mid-ocean spreading centers
Convection parallel to mid-ocean spreading centers and other conceptions
of processes at the ridge axis
Quantitative aspects of crustal cooling at ridge axes
Dynamics of the deep mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal system
Island arc rifting, back-arc spreading, and VMS mineralization
Summary and discussion