During supergene alteration of auriferous carbonate ore, the
weathering fluids formed are likely to be alkaline and therefore
unsuitable as a medium for gold transport as a chloride complex.
Secondary gold remobilization in such deposits can often be attributed
instead to gold complexing by sulphur-bearing ligands. Gold and
silver solubility in the systems Au-S-O2-H2O and Ag-S-O2-H2O
respectively, calculated from the thermodynamic data available,
is due to complex formation with thiosulphate and bisulphide ligands.
The most stable gold complexes, Au(S2O3)23- (at f O2>10-60) and Au(HS)2-
(at f O2<10-60), exist in neutral
or alkaline solutions. Like gold, silver forms a stable thiosulphate
complex, Ag(S2O3)23- in moderately oxidizing, and bisulphide
complexes, AgHS0 and Ag(HS)2-
in reducing, alkaline media. Silver solubility in highly oxidized,
neutral or acid solutions is increased by formation of AgS2O3-, Ag+
and AgSO4- complexes.
Colloidal, crystalline and alloyed gold and silver reacted with
0.1 M Na2S2O2
do not, however, demonstrate independent solubility. The rate
of gold solubility in 0.1 M Na2S2O3, for example, is increased both by the presence
of silver-thiosulphate complexes and alloyed silver. It is possible
that such behaviour is due to the formation a mixed metal complex
of the type (Au,Ag)(S2O3)23-.
The nature and mineral association of secondary gold in the oxidized
zone of carbonate ore at Wau, in Papua New Guinea, is consistent
with prior remobillization as a thiosulphate complex. Here the
secondary gold is coarsely crystalline, alloyed with 50-75 at%
Ag and enriched at the watertable and with manganese dioxide in
the oxidized zone.』
Soluble sulphur-species formed during the oxidation of ore sulphide
Gold complex/compound equilibria in the system Au-S-O2-H2O
Silver complex/compound equilibria in the system Ag-S-O2-H2O
Colloidal and crystalline gold and silver solubility in Na2S2O3
Analytical method
Gold-silver alloy reactivity in Na2S2O3
Analytical method
Gold and silver solubility in the system Au-Ag-SO3-H2O
Discussion and implications for ore deposit oxidation
Calculation of gold solubility in the system Au-S-O2-H2O
Calculation of silver solubility in the system Ag-S-O2-H2O
SO42- | sulfate | 硫酸イオン |
bisulfate | 硫酸水素イオン | |
sulfuric acid | 硫酸 | |
+5 | S2O62- | dithinate | 二チオン酸イオン |
SO32- | sulfite | 亜硫酸イオン |
bisulfite | 亜硫酸水素イオン | |
sulfurous acid gas | 亜硫酸ガス | |
(+3.3) |
trithionate | 三チオン酸イオン |
+3 | |||
(+2.5) |
tetrathinate | 四チオン酸イオン |
S2O32- | thiosulfate | チオ硫酸イオン |
bithiosulfate | チオ硫酸水素イオン | |
+1 | |||
0 | S0 | sulfur | 固相硫黄 |
-1 | |||
H2S | hydrogen sulfide | 硫化水素 |
bisulfide | 硫化水素イオン | |
sulfide | 硫化物イオン |