Manganese deposits in the Franciscan Complex of the Diablo Range
in the central Clifornia Coast Ranges occur as comformable lenses
within bedded radiolarian chert-argillite sequences that are,
in turn, intercalated within thicker sections of sandstone and
shale. The field relationships, composition, and petrographic
and isotopic characteristics of the Ladd and Buckeye deposits
indicate that the manganese was concentrated by diagenetic reconstitution
of siliceous and hemipelagic sediment during burial.
The ore lenses are Mn-rich and Fe-poor assemblages that consist
largely of rhodochrosite, manganese silicates, opal-CT, and quartz.
Although multiple sets of quartz-rich veins crosscut the red and
green thin-bedded chert that hosts the manganese mineralization,
no Fe- or Mn-rich feeder system is evident. Highly negative δ-13
carbon values of rhodochrosite samples indicate that CO2
originated from oxidation of methane; less negative values result
from mixing of methanogenic carbon and CO2
derived from bacterial degradation of organic matter. δ-18 oxygen
values for rhodochrosite samples indicate temperatures of formation
in the range 20゜ to 100゜C.
Massive chert beds adjacent to the manganese lenses formed from
silica released when siliceous host brocks were partly replaced
by carbonate. The oxidation of methane prior to carbonate precipitation
may have been accomplished by Mn and Fe oxhydroxides and oxides
deposited with the sediment. The mobilization of manganese from
biogenic and terrigenous sources in the sediment column into discrete
horizons and the fractionation of manganese from iron reflect
the presence of oxidation reduction boundaries and gradients in
the sediment column. Fluids derived from silica dehydration reactions
in the transformation of opal-A to quartz were involved in the
transportation of principal components. Their sedimentary and
geochemical attributes suggest that the deposits formed in a deep-water
environment in a zone of oceanic upwelling at or near a continental
Review: Evolution of ideas
Franciscan Complex
Regional framework and lithologic associations
Petrography and mineralogy, Ladd-Buckeye district
Isotopic composition of rhodochrosite
Massive chert beds
Timing and depth of rhodochrosite formation
Source of the manganese and manganese-iron fractionation
Tectonic and sedimentary environment of deposition