Son,Y., Oh,M. and Lee,S.(2010): Estimation of soil weathering degree using electrical resistivity. Environ. Earth Sci., 59, 1319-1326.


 In this study, the electrical resistivity of soil having different chemical weathering index (CWI) was measured, and the correlation between CWI and the electrical resistivity was estimated. The electrical resistivity of soil varies with CWI of soil. The difference in the electrical resistivities of soils having different weathering degree is clear at lower water contents. At the volumetric water contents estimated in this study, CWI could be described by a linear equation of electrical resistivity with the constants related to the volumetric water content. The findings in this study suggest that the electrical resistivity could be used as an effective alternative for estimating the weathering degree of soil.

Keywords: Electrical resistivity; Weathering degree; Volumetric water content; Weathered soil; Chemical weathering index』

Materials and testing methods
 Testing methods
Results and discussion
 Effect of water content and frequency on the electrical resistivity of soil
 Correlation between volumetric water content and weathering degree
Summary and conclusions
