Boreal forest trees influence mineral weathering rates via exudation
and uptake processes. Most trees in the boreal forest live in
symbiosis with ectomycorrhizal (EcM) fungi that sheath most of
the root tips and form the main interface between the tree and
the soil. Current weathering models do not take into account the
nature and scale of fungal-mineral interactions. Here we show
for the first time grain-scale effects of EcM fungi in symbiosis
with a host plant on mineral weathering under sterile conditions.
EcM fungi activity direct their growth and energy flow towards
mineral grains containing essential nutrient elements for the
tree and fungus.
Keywords: ectomycorrhiza; biological weathering; modelling; apatite;
biotite; quartz; 14C』
The tree-soil interface
A matter of scales?
Apatite dissolution
The nature of the fungal-mineral interface: biotite