@The effects of CO2 on water-basaltic glass
interaction have been simulated at 25. The calculations indicate
that addition of CO2 (2-30 bar) to water
significantly changes the reaction path. Initially, the pH is
buffered between 4 and 6 by CO2 ionization,
with dissolution of basaltic glass and the formation of secondary
minerals with SiO2, Mg-Fe carbonates and
dolomite predominating. Upon the dissolution of additional basaltic
glass and mineral fixation of CO2, the pH
increases to 8 and (Ca)-Fe-Mg smectites, SiO2,
Ca-Na zeolites and calcite become the dominant secondary minerals
forming. The overall reaction path depends on the initial water
composition, reactive surface area, and the composition of the
phyllosilicates and carbonates forming. The key factors are the
mobility of Mg2+, Fe2+ and Ca2+
and the competing reactions for these solutes among secondary
Results and discussion
@Low CO2 systems
@Elevated CO2 systems
@Reaction path