Fresh and weathered granite from drill cores in Tono, Gifu, Japan,
was examined to understand weathering products and the mechanisms
of chlorite and biotite weathering under low PO2 conditions. A fresh sample from 365m depth,
a slightly weathered light-green sample from 367 m depth, and
a nearly fresh sample from 369 m depth (but with brown stains
on fractures), were investigated. The XRD, SEM, EMPA, and TEM
analysis of green grains present within chlorite, biotite, and
plagioclase grains and in veins was found to be Fe2+-rich
corrensite [about 40 wt% FeO with Fe/(Fe+Mg)=0.94]. The corrensite
is interpreted to have formed from chlorite and biotite via a
dissolution-precipitation mechanism. The <2 μm fraction of the
weathered sample had an Fe2+/ΣFe value of 0.69, which,
when combined with the presence of amorphous Fe3+(hydr)oxides
confirmed by TEM, indicates that the Fe2+/ΣFe value
of corrensite is >0.69. These results indicate that on dissolution
of chlorite and biotite, Fe2+ was transported as Fe2+
and precipitated as Fe2+-rich corrensite and a part
of the dissolved Fe2+ was oxidized to amorphous Fe3+
(hydr)oxides under low PO2
conditions. The formation of Fe2+-rich corrensite and
that of Fe2+-rich smectite or vermiculite in the laboratory
at 1 atm of PCO2 and
≦3×10-5 atm of PO2
(Murakami et al. 2004) suggest that a possible Fe2+-bearing
product during Precambrian weathering is Fe2+-rich
sheet silicates but not siderite.
Keywords: weathering; corrensite; Fe behavior; low O2;
atmospheric evolution; granite; TEM』
Experimental methods
Analytical methods
Timing and mechanism of corrensite formation
Amorphos Fe3+ hydroxides and conditions of coexistence
of Fe-minerals
Weathering processes under low PO2
Fe behavior under low PO2
Implication for Precambrian atmosphere
References cited