@A detailed investigation of the fluvial geochemistry of the Han
River system allows to estimate the rates of chemical weathering
and the consumption of CO2. The Han River
drains approximately 26,000 km2 and is the largest
river system in South Korea in terms of both water discharge and
total river length. It consists of two major tributaries: the
North Han River (NHR) and the South Habn River (SHR). Distinct
differences in basin lithology (silicate vs. carbonate) between
the NHR and SHR provide a good natural laboratory in which to
examine weathering processes and the influence of basin geology
on water quality. The concentrations of major elements and the
Sr isotopic compositions were obtained from 58 samples collected
in both summer and winter along the Han River system in both 2000
and 2006. The concentrations of dissolved loads differed considerably
between the NHR and SHR; compared with the SHR, the NHR had much
lower total dissolved loads (TDS), Sr and major ion concentrations
but a higher Si concentration and 87Sr/86Sr
ratio. A forward model showed that the dissolved loads in the
NHR came primarily from silicate weathering (55}11), with a relatively
small portion from carbonates (30}14), whereas the main contribution
to the dissolved loads in the SHR was carbonate weathering (82}3),
with only 11}4 from silicates. These results are consistent with
the different lithologies of the two drainage basins: silicate
rocks in the NHR versus carbonate rocks in the SHR. Sulfuric acid
derived from sulfide dissolution in coal-containing sedimentary
strata has played an important role in carbonate weathering in
the SHR basin, unlike in the NHR basin. The silicate weathering
rate (SWR) was similar between the HR and SHR basins, but the
rate of CO2 consumption in the SHR basin
was lower than in the NHR basin due to an important role of sulfuric
acid derived from pyrite oxidation.
Keywords: Chemical weathering; Silicate; Carbonate; CO2
consumption rate; Sulfuric acid; Han Riverx
1. Introduction
2. Study area
@2.1. Geography and climate
@2.2. Geology
3. Methods
4. Results and discussion
@4.1. Hydrogeochemistry and chemical weathering
@@4.1.1. Major elements and Sr isotopes
@@4.1.2. Atmospheric inputs
@@4.1.3. Sulfide oxidation
@@4.1.4. Carbonate weathering
@@4.1.5. Silicate weathering
@4.2. Model calculation
@@4.2.1. The model
@@4.2.2. Model results
@@4.2.3. Flux calculations
5. Conclusions