There has been limited research on clay mineral transformation
in serpentinitic soils under humid tropical conditions. In this
study, four soil pedons were selected along a toposequence from
the summit (Entisol), shoulder (Vertisol), backslope (Alfisol)
to footslope (Ultisol) positions to explore the contributions
and the significance of landscape and weathering status of serpentinitic
rock with regard to clay mineral transformations in eastern Taiwan.
Experimental results indicated that the large amount of dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate-extractable
Fe (Fed) and clay in the subsurface horizon
were mainly caused by the strong leaching potential from intensive
rainfall and weathering of the fine-grained parent rocks. The
clay mineralogy reflected the clear weathering trend of the soils
along the toposequence: (1) the soils on the summit and shoulder
contained smectite and serpentine, which are predominant in the
young soils derived from serpentinitic rocks; and (2) vermiculite
gradually increased in the relatively old soils on backslope and
footslope. The mineralogical transformations observed along the
toposequence indicated that chlorite and serpentine, initially
present in the Entisol on the summit, weather into smectite and
interstratified chlorite-vermiculite in the intermediate soil
on the shoulder under strong leaching and oxidizing conditions.
Furthermore, vermiculite formed as the major weathering product
of chlorite and smectite in the soil developed on the backslope.
In addition to vermiculite, kaolinite and quartz formed in the
soils on the footslope with the greatest concentration of Fed along the toposequence.
Key Words: Chlorite; Serpentine; Smectite; Soil taxonomy; Taiwan;
Toposequence; Weathering sequence.』
Materials and methods
Site description
Physical and chemical analysis
Thin-section preparation and description
X-ray diffraction of soil fraction and rock
Thermogravimetric analysis
Results and discussion
Parent materials and primary minerals
Selected physical and chemical properties of the soil pedons
Clay mineral compositions
Mineral transformation during pedogenesis