The Hong (Red) River drains the prominent Red River Fault Zone
that has experienced various tectonic activities - intrusion of
magma, exhumation of basement rocks, and influx of thermal waters
- associated with the Cenozoic collision of India and Eurasia.
We report dissolved major elements and Sr isotope compositions
of 43 samples from its three tributary systems (Da, Thao/Hong
main channel, and Lo) encompassing summer and winter seasons.
Carbonic acid ultimately derived from the atmosphere is the main
weathering agent, and sulfuric acid from pyrite oxidation plays
a minor role. Seasonality is manifested in higher calcite saturation
index and Mg/TZ+ and lower Ca/Mg in summer, suggesting
calcite precipitation, and in higher Si/(Na* + K) ratios
in summer suggesting more intensive silicate weathering. we quantified
the input from rain, evaporite, carbonate, and silicate reservoirs
using forward and inverse models and examined the robustness of
the results. Carbonate dissolution accounts for a significant
fraction of total dissolved cations (55-97%), and weathering of
silicates makes a minor contribution (1-40%). Our best estimate
of the spatially averaged silicate weathering rate in the Hong
basin is 170×103 mol/km2/yr in summer and
51×103 mol/km2/yr in winter. We tested for
correlations between the rate of CO2 consumption
by silicate weathering and various climatic (air temperature,
precipitation, runoff, and potential evapotranspiration) and geologic
(relief, elevation, slope, and lithology) parameters calculated
using GIS. Clear correlations do not emerge (except for φCO2 and runoff in winter) which we attribute to
the complex geologic setting of the area, the seasonal regime
change from physical-dominant in summer to chemical-dominant in
winter, and the incoherent timescales involved for the different
parameters tested.』
1. Introduction
2. Study area
2.1. Geography, vegetation, and climate
2.2. Tectonics and geology
3. Methodology
4. Results and discussion
4.1. Major elements
4.2. Comparison to global rivers
4.3. Effect of different rock types
4.3.1. Evaporite dissolution and pyrite oxidation
4.3.2. Silicate weathering
4.3.3. Carbonate weathering
4.3.4. Seasonal variation
4.4. Quantification of input sources
4.4.1. The forward model
4.4.2. The inverse model Inverse model description Inverse model sensitivity
4.4.3. Model results
4.5. Flux calculations
4.6. Factors controlling the CO2 consumption
5. Conclusions