Mortatti & Probst(2003)による〔『Silicate rock weathering and atmospheric/soil CO2 uptake in the Amazon basin estimated from river water geochemistry: seasonal and spatial variations』(177p)から〕


 Using the data of the CAMREX project (1982-1984) on the water geochemistry of the Amazon river and its main tributaries, it was possible to assess the silicate rock weathering processes and the associated consumption of atmospheric/soil CO2, taking into account seasonal and spatial variations. This study confirms the important role of the Andes in the fluvial transport of dissolved and particulate material by the Amazon, and it shows for the first time that the silicate weathering rate and atmospheric/soil CO2 consumption are higher in the Andes than in the rest of the Amazon basin.
 The seasonal variations exhibit the significant role of runoff as a major factor controlling silicate weathering processes and show that the chemical erosion rates vary greatly from low discharge to high discharge. The average weathering rate estimated for the whole Amazon basin (15 m/My) is comparable to other estimations made for other tropical-equatorial environments. A comparison between physical and chemical weathering rates of silicate rocks for the Amazon basin and for each tributary basin show that in the Andes and in the Amazon trough, the soil thicknesses are decreasing whereas in the Shield the soil profiles are deepening.

Keywords: Riverine transport; Physical erosion; Chemical weathering; Atmospheric/soil CO2; Amazon basin』

 季節変動は、珪酸塩風化過程をコントロールする主要な要因として流出量の大事な役割を示し、そして化学浸食速度は低流出量から高流出量へ大きく変動することを示している。全アマゾン盆地について見積もられた平均風化速度(15 m/100万年)は、他の熱帯-赤道帯環境でなされた他の見積りと比較できるものである。アマゾン盆地および各支流流域に対する、珪酸塩岩の物理および化学風化速度間の比較からは、アンデスおよびアマゾン低地において、楯状地では土壌断面は深くなっているにもかかわらず土壌の厚さは減少していることが示される。』

1. Introduction
2. Hydrological and geological characteristics of the Amazon river basin
3. Solute river transport and chemical erosion
4. Correction for atmospheric inputs
5. CO2 consumption by rock weathering
6. Weathering rates of silicate rocks
7. Chemical erosion versus physical erosion
8. Conclusion
