Bangladesh is situated in a subtropical to tropical climatic zone.
A recently weathered crust has developed on sedimentary bedrock
(sandstone, siltstone, shale and claystone) of Tertiary-Quaternary
age. Weathered samples were collected from 16 sections totaling
68 samples and were analyzed mineralogically. The main primary
minerals identified in the weathered crust of sedimentary rocks
are quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, sparse
carbonate and epidote. The secondary minerals are kaolinaite,
illite, chlorite, gibbsite and goethite. Weathered initiated along
the grain boundaries and cleavage planes of the minerals, forming
small cloudy materials which were very difficult to identify.
In the advanced stage of weathering, these cloudy materials have
turned into secondary minerals. In region 1, high rain fall (7100
mm/yr) and monsoonic climate resulted in a kaolinite-gibbsite-goethite
suite through the weathering of feldspars and biotite. The occurrence
of gibbsite in the relatively elevated lands of Sylhet and Fe-kaolinite
throughout the study areas is indicative of a humid-tropical climate
during formation of the weathered crust.
Keywords: Chemical weathering; Sedimentary rocks; Kaolinite; Gibbsite;
1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Methods
3.1. Field work
3.2. Laboratory methods
4. Results
4.1. X-ray diffraction
4.2. SEM and TEM
4.3. Petrographic microscopy
4.4. Microprobe (EPMA)
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions