The Yamuna river and its tributaries in the Himalaya constitute
the Yamuna River System (YRS). The YRS basin has a drainage area
and discharge comparable in magnitude to those of the Bhagirathi
and the Alaknanda rivers, which merge to form the Ganga at the
foothills of the Himalya. A detailed geochemical study of the
YRS was carried out to determine: (i) the relative significance
of silicate, carbonate and evaporite weathering in contrinuting
to its major ion composition; (ii) CO2 consumption
via silicate weathering; and (iii) the factors regulating chemical
weathering of silicates in the basin. The results show that the
YRS waters are mildly alkaline, with a wide range of TDS, 〜32
to 〜620 mg l-1. In these waters, the abundances of
Ca, Mg and alkalinity, which account for most of TDS, are derived
mainly from carbonates. Many of the tributaries in the lower reaches
of the Yamuna basin are supersaturated with calcite. In addition
to carbonic acid, sulphuric acid generated by oxidation of pyrites
also seems to be supplying protons for chemical weathering. Silicate
weathering in YRS basin contributes, on average, 〜25% (molar basis)
of total cations on a basin wide scale. Silicate weathering, however,
does not seem to be intense in the basin as evident from low Si/(Na*+K)
in the waters, 〜1.2 and low values of chemical index of alteration
(CIA) in bed sediments, 〜60.
CO2 drawdown resulting from silicate weathering
in the YRS basin in the Himalaya during monsoon ranges between
(4 to 7)×105 moles km-2 y-1.
This is higher than that estimated for the Ganga at Rishikesh
for the same season. The CO2 consumption
rates in the Yamuna and the Ganga basins in the Himalaya are hugher
than the global average values, suggesting enhanced CO2
drawdown in the southern slopes of the Himalaya. The impact of
this enhanced drawdown on the glabal CO2
budget may not be pronounced, as the drainage area of the YRS
and the Ganga in the Himalaya is small. The CO2
drawdown by silicates in the YRS basin is marginally higher than
the reported values of CO2 release from oxidation
of organic rich sediments, estimated using Re as a proxy. This
comparison shows the need to constrain CO2
sources and sinks better to balance its budget in a regional scale.
The results also show that silicate weathering rate in the YRS
basin is 〜10mm ky-1 and on the Ganga basin, it is 〜5mm
ky-1, which are several times lower than the carbonate
weathering rates. The significantly higher silicate weathering
rate observed in the YRS basin seems to be governed by rapid physical
erosion in this region.
The apparent activation energy for overall silicate weathering
in the YRS basin, derived from Na* and Si concentrations
and water temperature, ranges from 〜50 to 80 kJ mol-1.
These values are comparable to those reported for granitoid weathering
in natural watersheds and feldspar weathering in laboratory experiments.
This study brings to light the sources contributing to major
ions, enhanced chemical weathering rates in the Yamuna River Basin
and interdependence of silicate weathering on physical erosion
and temperature.』
〜 7×105 moles/km2/年の範囲である。これは、同じ季節のRishikeshのGangaに対する見積りよりも高い。ヒマラヤのYamunaとGanga盆地でのCO2消費速度は、世界の平均値よりも高く、ヒマラヤの南斜面でCO2削減が促進されていることを示している。世界のCO2収支におけるこの促進された削減の影響は、ヒマラヤのYamunaとGangaの流域面積が小さいので、断言されないかもしれない。Yamuna盆地の珪酸塩によるCO2の削減は、Reを代理として用いて見積られた、有機物に富んだ堆積物の酸化から放出されるCO2の報告された値よりも、かろうじて大きい。この比較は、広域スケールにおいてCO2のソースとシンクの収支をもっとよくバランスさせる必要があることを示している。結果はまた、Yamuna河系盆地での珪酸塩風化速度が〜10mm/1000年であり、Ganga盆地では〜5mm/1000年で、炭酸塩風化速度より何倍か低いことを示している。Yamuna河系盆地でかなり高い珪酸塩風化速度が観察されるのは、この地域での急速な物理浸食に支配されてためと思われる。
1. Introduction
2. General lithology and hydrology of the catchment
3. Sampling and analysis
4. Results and discussion
4.1. General observations
4.2. Sources of major ions in the YRS
4.2.1. Silicate weathering
4.2.2. Carbonates and evaporites
4.3. Weathering rates and CO2 consumption
in the YRS basin
1012l/v |
103km2 |
珪酸塩風化速度 | 炭酸塩風化速度 |
105モル/km2/年 |
トン/km2/年 | mm/1000年 | トン/km2/年 | mm/1000年 | |||||
Yamuna | Batamandi | 10.8 | 9.6 | 28 | 11 | 115 | 43 | 〜7 |
Bhagirathic | Devprayag | 8.3 | 7.8 | 15.2 | 5.8 | 41.1 | 15.2 | 4.1 |
Alaknandac | Bhagwan | 14.1 | 11.8 | 10.2 | 3.9 | 63.2 | 23.4 | 3.6 |
Ganga | Rishikesh | 22.4 | 19.6 | 11-13 | 〜5 | 54 | 20 | 〜2 |
Gangac | Rishikesh | 22.4 | 19.6 | 12.9 | 4.9 | 51.7 | 19.1 | 3.8 |
Narayanid | Narayangha | 49.4 | 31.8 | − | 7.0 | − | 52 | − |
G-Bc | 1002 | 1555 | 13.6 | 5.3 | 31.7 | 11.7 | 3.3 | |
YamunaとGangaの見積りはモンスーン試料(RW99-55およびRW99-59)に基づく。 a 珪酸塩および炭酸塩に対してそれぞれ2.6および2.7g/cm3の密度を用いて計算。 b 珪酸塩風化による削減。 c Krishnaswami et al. (1999)から。 d Galy and France-Lanord (1999)から。 |
4.4. Comparison of CO2 drawdown in YRS with other river basins
4.5. Silicate weathering: role of temperature
5. Summary and conclusions