Tuncay et al.(2002)による〔『Pits, outgrowths, and inclusions as coated grain kinetic instabilities』(3901p)から〕


 The development of outgrowths or pits of various shapes on coated grains is explained via a quantitative model of grain growth/dissolution kinetics coupled to evolving grain geometry (morphological dunamics). Grain-coating thinning or fracturing occurring due to nonplanar growth (and consequent grainsurface area increase) is shown to underlie an instability to the formation of bumps, or in the case of undersaturated systems, to pitting. Examples of diagenetic outgrowth phenomena on clay-coated quartz are presented. A quantitative model of coupled quartz growth and coating dynamics is shown to imply many features observed in natural systems. Crystal growth anisotropy is shown to strongly influence the motphology of the outgrowths. The creation of inclusions is shown to be closely related to the present morphological instability. These morphological instability phenomena are interesting examples of geochemical self-organization.
 A steady-state model of the diffusion of solutes across the grain coating is shown to yield a novel nonlinear equation to be solved for the rate of growth of coated grains. This equation leads to a complex dependence of the growth/dissolution rate on saturation (or more generally on the composition of the fluid) in the medium surrounding the coated grain. The feedback between the dynamics of the coating thickness and morphology changes makes the phenomenon of interest here distinct from that arising from the coupling of grain growth and diffusion in the surrounding medium. This makes pits and needles possible even in a well-stirred surrounding medium, a fact of interest in interpreting the geologic record. For example, the present model canexplain the development of spike, mushroom, and other outgrowths on clay-coated quartz grains in a sedimentary rock, whereas the classic Mullins and Sekerke diffusion model cannot, i.e., the time scale for eliminating concentration gradients in a pore is much shorter than that for grain growth. Predictions of the model are consistent with observations on quartz when typical values of diffusion, growth rate coefficients, and other parameters are used. In this paper, we emphasize that pitting can be closely related to outgrowth instabilities. If this be the case, then pitted dissolution of feldspars is a likely example. As feldspars dissolve, they commonly surround themselves with a clay coating, often leaving only a ghost remnant of the original growth.』

 粒子被覆を横切る溶質の拡散の定常状態モデルは、被覆された粒子の成長速度について解かれるような斬新な非線形式を生み出すことが示されている。この式は、被覆された粒子の周囲の媒質において、成長/溶解速度が飽和度に(あるいはもっと一般的には流体の組成に)複雑に依存することを示す。被膜の厚さと形態変化の力学の間のフィードバックは、周囲の媒質において粒子の成長と拡散の結合から生じるものとは異なった、ここで興味のある現象を生む。これは、周囲の媒質がよく攪拌された時にさえピットおよび針状結晶をつくることが可能で、地質学的な記録を解釈する際に興味のある事実である。例えば、堆積岩中の粘土で被覆された石英粒子上のくぎ状、きのこ状、そしてその他の外部成長の発達を、本モデルは説明でき、ところが古典的なMullins と Sekerkeの拡散モデルはできない、すなわち、孔隙内の濃度勾配を消し去るための時間スケールが粒子成長よりも非常に短いからである。モデルによる予想は、拡散、成長速度係数、および他のパラメータに代表的な値を使えば、石英での観察と一致する。本論文で、我々は、ピットの形成が外部成長の不安定性に密接に関係する可能性を強調している。もしそうなら、長石のピットのある溶解は似たような例である。長石が溶解するにつれ、長石は粘土の被膜で普通長石自身を覆い、しばしば最初の成長のゴーストの名残りのみを残す。』

1. Introduction
2. Implicit growth-rate laws
 2.1. Steady-state formulation
 2.2. Growth anisotropy
3. Illustrative mineral systems
 3.1. Quartz and other silica minerals
 3.2. Calcite/siderite/anhydrite
4. Numerical scheme
5. Numerical simulation results
 5.1. Initially flat grain surface with locally thin coating
 5.2. Initially flat grain surface with locally thick coating: Dynamics of inclusion
 5.3. Initial bump in the grain shape with uniform coating
 5.4. Initially random grain surface with constant coating
6. Conclusions
