Stefansson(aの頭に´) et al.(2001)による〔『Dissolution of primary minerals in natural waters II. Mineral saturation state』(251p)から〕

『天然水における初生鉱物の溶解 U.鉱物の飽和状態』

【アイスランドの141の天然水のデータ(0゜C〜300゜C、pH 5からpH 10以上)をもとに玄武岩を構成する一次鉱物の飽和状態について検討】
【風化しやすさは以下の順: Mgかんらん石>Feかんらん石、Tiに富む磁鉄鉱>Ca斜長石、Mg斜方輝石>Fe斜方輝石、単斜輝石>Na斜長石、F燐灰石>Tiに富むチタン鉄鉱>>Tiに乏しい磁鉄鉱、Tiに乏しい赤鉄鉱】

 The saturation state of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxides and apatite of variable composition has been assessed in natural waters in Iceland, with temperature ranging from 0゜C to 300゜C and in situ pH from below 5 to above 10. Cold waters are undersaturated with respect to olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclases indicating that all these minerals tend to dissolve under weathering conditions. With increasing pH and temperature, the waters approach saturation with pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclases. Also, the degree of undersaturation of olivine and orthopyroxene decreases with increasing Fe content of the minerals and Fe-rich olivine and orthopyroxene are stable between 50゜C and 150゜C, whereas Mg-rich ones tend to dissolve. Natural waters in Iceland are saturated with respect to pure albite when above 50゜C. They are, on the other hand, undersaturated with Ca-rich plagioclase up to 250゜C where the waters reach saturation. Pure magnetite and hematite are stable at all temperatures. With increasing titanium content, the minerals become unstable, and the waters are undersaturated with respect to pure ulvospinel(oの頭に¨) at temperatures up to 300゜C. Pure ilmenite is, however, close to saturation under weathering conditions but undersaturated above 200゜C. F-apatite is close to saturation at all temperatures. On the other hand, undersaturation with respect to OH-apatite is observed at all temperatures. The weathering susceptibilities of primary minerals of basalt in Icelandic waters in increasing order are Mg-olivine > Fe-olivine, Ti-rich magnetite > Ca-plagioclase, Mg-orthopyroxene > Fe-orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene > Na-plagioclase, F-apatite > Ti-rich ilmenite >> Ti-poor magnetite, Ti-poor hematite.

Keywords: Basalt; Mineral stability; Cold water; Geothermal water; Weathering』


1. Introduction
2. Database for waters
3. Aqueous speciation
 3.1. Speciation calculations
 3.2. Distribution of aqueous species in natural waters in Iceland
4. Mineral saturation
 4.1. The temperature dependence of mineral saturation state
  4.1.1. Olivine
  4.1.2. Pyroxene
  4.1.3. Plagioclase
  4.1.4. Fe-Ti oxides
  4.1.5. Apatite
 4.2. The pH dependence of mineral saturation state under weathering conditions
  4.2.1. Olivine
  4.2.2. Pyroxene
  4.2.3. Plagioclase
  4.2.4. Apatite
5. Discussion
 5.1. Uncertainties related to mineral saturation state
 5.2. Primary mineral stability in geothermal systems
 5.3. Primary mineral stability under weathering conditions
6. Summary and conclusions
