Stefansson(aの頭に´) & Gislason(iの頭に´)(2001)による〔『Chemical weathering of basalts, Southwest Iceland: Effect of rock crystallinity and secondary minerals on chemical fluxes to the ocean』(513p)から〕



 River, ground, and peat water from a basaltic catchment area, Laxa(後ろのaの頭に´;以下同じ) in Kjos(oの頭に´;以下同じ) Southwest Iceland, were sampled and analyzed for major element concentrations to define the effect of glassy versus crystalline basalt, the formation of secondary minerals, and runoff on fluxes of dissolved elements to the ocean.
 The proportions of the dissolved solids in the water samples derived from precipitation, air, and rock weathering were estimated. The amounts of Na, Mg, Ca, K, and S originating from precipitation were calculated from the respective solute/Cl marine ratios and the estimated aqueous Cl originated from precipitation, which was calculated using measured B content of the waters and B/Cl molal marine and rock ratios. The rock contribution from weathering ranged from 22 to 46 percent of the total dissolved solids of the waters.
 Iron and Al showed low mobility compared to Na. This was primarily due to consumption of these elements by ferrihydroxides, allophane, imogolite, and clay minerals. Also, Si and to a lesser degree Ca show apparent slightly lower mobility than Na. These results are in good agreement with these phases being dominant in the soils of the study area (Wada and others, 1992) and the main secondary minerals of basaltic glass in Iceland (Crovisier and others, 1992). Reaction progress calculations support these findings. According to a model interaction of basaltic glass and meteoric water Al, Fe, and Si are consumed by amorphous Fe and Al hydroxides and imogolite and allophane at low reaction progress. with increasing reaction progress, Ca-Fe-Mg smectite became the primary secondary minerals, limiting the mobility of Ca, Fe, Mg, Si, and Al. These findings suggest that the weathering in the Laxa in the Kjos catchment area has evolved into the beginning of the smectite weathering stage and that it is dominated by a relatively low reaction progress and a high water to rock ratio.
 In the present study the effect of runoff and rock crystallinity was quantified for dissolved elemental fluxes. Temperature, lithology (other than rock crystallinity), and rock age were similar in all of the catchment areas in this study. Silica, Ca, F, S, Al, K, Mg, and B had a very similar dependence on runoff. On the other hand, Na fluxes were found to be less dependent on runoff, and Fe fluxes were found to be independent of runoff. Basaltic glass dissolves faster than fully crystallized basaltic rocks (Gislason(iの頭に´) and Eugster, 1987a). Therefore, increased glass content of the primary rocks is thought to increase the leaching and elemental fluxes at constant runoff. However, because some of the solutes, particularly Al and Fe, were highly influenced or even controlled by the formation of secondary minerals, this increasing dissolution with increasing glass content was hidden. On the other hand, basaltic glass was observed to enhance the fluxes of more mobile elements like Na, Si, Ca, F, and S by a factor of 2 to 5 at a constant runoff of 200 cm/yr, constant vegetative cover, and 0 to 100 percent glass content of the rocks. The K and Mg fluxes were found to be independent of rock crystallinity. However, runoff alone cannot explain the fluxes of these elements, and it seems that vegetative cover and seasonal variations in biomass activities influence the K and Mg fluxes.』

 FeとAlはNaに比べて低い移動性を示した。水酸化第二鉄、アロフェン、イモゴライト、そして粘土鉱物によって、これらの元素が消費されることが、その主な理由である。また、Siそして度合は小さいがCaも、Naよりも明らかにわずかに低い移動性を示す。これらの結果は、研究地の土壌中に多く存在するこれらの相(Wada and others, 1992)、ならびにアイスランドの玄武岩質ガラスの主な二次鉱物(Crovisier and others, 1992)とよく一致している。反応の進行の計算はこれらの発見を支持している。玄武岩質ガラスと天水とのモデル相互作用によれば、Al・Fe・Siは、ゆっくりした反応で非晶質のFe・Al水酸化物およびイモゴライトやアロフェンによって消費される。反応が速くなると、Ca-Fe-Mgスメクタイトが主な二次鉱物になり、Ca・Fe・Mg・Si・Alの移動性を制限する。これらの発見は、KjosのLaxa流域での風化はスメクタイト風化の初めの段階に進んでおり、比較的遅い反応と高い水/岩石比によって支配されていることを示している。
 本研究で、流出量と岩石の結晶度の影響が、溶存元素フラックスに対して定量化された。温度、岩石相(岩石の結晶度以外のもの)、および岩石年代は、本研究での流域のすべてで類似していた。シリカ・Ca・F・S・Al・K・Mg・Bは流出量に対して非常に似た依存性を持っていた。他方、Naフラックスは流出量にあまり依存しないことがわかり、Feフラックスは流出量に関係しないことがわかった。玄武岩質ガラスは十分に結晶化した玄武岩質岩よりも速く溶解する(Gislason(iの頭に´) and Eugster, 1987a)。そのため、初生の岩石のガラス含有量が増加すると、一定の流出量においては溶脱および元素フラックスが増加すると考えられる。しかし、いくつかの溶質、とくにAlとFeは二次鉱物の生成によって大きく影響されるかコントロールされるため、ガラス含有量の増加に伴ったこのような溶解の増加は隠されてしまう。他方、玄武岩質ガラスは、Na・Si・Ca・F・Sのようなもっと移動性の元素のフラックスを、200cm/年という一定の流出量、一定の植生被覆、そして0〜100%という岩石のガラス含有量において、2〜5倍促進することが観察された。KとMgフラックスは岩石の結晶度と関係しないことがわかった。しかし、流出量だけではこれらの元素のフラックスを説明できず、植生の被覆や生物活動の季節的変動がKとMgフラックスに影響していると思われる。』

The study area
Data handling and database
 Chemical analyses
 Speciation calculations
 Characteristics of the catchment area
Source of dissolved solids
Weathering and solution chemistry
 Characteristics of the weathering product
 Mineral saturation state
 Reaction path modelling and elemental mobility
Chemical denudation rates
Summary and conclusions
Appendix A
 Mineral solubility
Appendix B
 Reaction path calculations
