Roy et al.(1999)による〔『Geochemistry of dissolved and suspended loads of the Seine river, France: Anthropogenic impact, carbonate and silicate weathering』(1277p)から〕


炭酸塩風化速度は48トン/km2/年(25mm/1000年)で、その10%が固体状態で運搬される:炭酸塩の風化によるCO2消費は400×103 mol/km2/年】
珪酸塩化学風化速度は2トン/km2/年、珪酸塩の物理風化/化学風化比は1〜3、珪酸塩の全浸食速度は2-3mm/1000年:珪酸塩風化によるCO2消費は15-24×103 mol/km2/年】

 This study focuses on the chemistry of the Seine river system, one of the major rivers in Europe, and constitutes the first geochemical investigation of both suspended and dissolved loads of this river. The Seine river drains a typical Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary basins: the Paris basin, constituted of limestones mixed or interbedded with terrigenous sediments derived from the paleoreliefs bordering the Mesozoic and Cenozoic seas. In the context of quantifying the global influence of carbonate and silicate weathering on atmospheric CO2 consumption, the Seine river offers the possibility of examining weathering rates in a flat sedimentary environment, under temperate climatic conditions. One of the major problems associated with the Seine river, as with many temperate rivers, is pollution.
 We propose, in this paper, 2 approaches in order to correct the dissolved load of the Seine river for anthropogenic inputs and to calculate weathering rates of carbonates and silicates. The first uses the dissolved load of rivers and tries to allocate the different solutes to different sources. A mixing model, based on elemental ratios, is established and solved by an inversion technique.
 The second approach consists in using the suspended load geochemistry. Under steady state conditions, we show that the geochemistry of suspended sediments makes it possible to estimate the amount of solutes released during the chemical weathering of silicates, and thus to calculate weathering rates of silicates.
 The total dissolved load of the Seine river at Paris can be decomposed into 2% of solutes derived from natural atmospheric sources, 7% derived from anthropogenic atmospheric sources, 6% derived from agriculture, 3% derived from communal inputs, and 82% of solutes derived from rock weathering. During high floods, the contribution of atmospheric and agriculture inputs predominates.
 The weathering rate of carbonates is estimated to be 48 t/km2/yr (25 mm/1000yr). Only 10% of carbonates are transported in a solid form, the rest being transported in solution. CO2 consumption by carbonate weathering approaches 400×103 mol/km2/yr.
 In the Seine river at Paris, about 2-3 mg/l of dissolved cations are found to originate from the chemical weathering of silicates. By taking dissolved silica into accounts, the total dissolved load derived from silicate weathering is about 6-7 mg/l. This value is minimal because biological uptake of silica probably occur in the Seine river. The chemical weathering rate of aluminosilicates is estimated to be 2t/km2/yr. The ratio of physical over chemical weathering of silicates range between 1 and 3 and the total (chemical and physical) erosion rates of sedimentary silicates are about 2-3 mm/kyr.
 The CO2 consumption by silicate weathering 15-24×103 mol/km2/yr and is independent of dissolved silica concentration. Silicate consumption is thus 20 times less than carbonate consumption in the Paris basin.
 Compared to the neighboring granitic areas, the sedimentary region drained by the Seine river has 2 to 3 times lower CO2 consumption rates. We attribute this difference to the cation-depleted nature of the Seine basin aluminosilicates, which are of sedimentary origin. At a world scale, the chemical denudation rates found for the Seine basin are very low and comparable to those given for tropical lowland rivers draining silicates, such as the rivers of the Congo and Amazon basins, in spite of huge climatic differences. We attribute this similarity to the low mechanical denudation that characterizes these two types of regions.』

 炭酸塩の風化速度は48 t/km2/年(25 mm/1000年)と見積られる。炭酸塩のわずか10%が固体状態で運搬され、残りは溶液として運搬される。炭酸塩風化によるCO2の消費は400×103 mol/km2/年に近い。
 パリのセーヌ川で、約2〜3mg/lの溶存陽イオンが珪酸塩の化学風化から生じているのがわかった。溶存シリカを考慮すると、珪酸塩風化からの全溶流量は約6〜7mg/lである。この値は最小値である、なぜなら生物によるシリカの取り込みがおそらくセーヌ川で起こっているためである。アルミノ珪酸塩の化学風化速度は2 t/km2/年と見積られる。珪酸塩の化学風化に対する物理風化の比は、1〜3の範囲であり、堆積性珪酸塩の全(化学的および物理的)浸食速度は約2〜3mm/1000年である。
 珪酸塩風化によるCO2の消費は15〜24×103 mol/km2/年であり、溶存シリカ濃度と関係しない。したがって、珪酸塩の消費は、パリ盆地において、炭酸塩より20倍小さい。

1. Introduction
2. Investigation area
3. Sampling
4. Analytical methods
5. Results
 5.1. Major solutes
 5.2. Sr isotopes
 5.3. Suspended particulate matter
6. Discussion
 6.1. The dissolved load approach
  6.1.1. Determination of the model end-members
  6.1.2. Model and resolution
  6.1.3. Results
 6.2. Particulates: Physical erosion and the steady state concept
7. Weathering rate and CO2 consumption by rock weathering
8. Conclusion
Appendix 1. List of the equations used in the mixing model applied to the dissolved load
