The first objective of this work was to obtain values for the
rates at which continental erosion can smooth out or remove the
topographic expression produced by orogeny. The dominant part
is played by mechanical erosion, which acts most strongly in regions
of large topographic expression. Chemical erosion depends strongly
on precipitation or runoff in individual river drainage basins,
but because most continents have very similar average rainfall,
chemical erosion is fairly uniform for continental sized areas,
and will succeed in planing down all continents to a level peneplain
if given enough time. The exception to this rule is Australia,
which has a very low chemical erosion rate because of its dryness.
The time constants for mechanical and chemical erosion so obtained
vary between about 30 and 300 My depending on the continent and
the assumptions made. Mountain building occurs throughout the
geological time-scale, but at a non-uniform rate. Although there
will not be a balance between erosion and mountain building over
a short time-scale, due to the non-uniform rate of mountain building,
the long-term situation must be that the two phenomena should
balance out. It is shown that the freeboard of continents will
respond to the long-term balance between mountain building and
erosion. An expression has been derived for the average continental
elevation in which the rate of mountain building depends on the
rate of radiogenic heat production within the earth. It is shown
that relatively small changes in average elevation above sea level
of a few hundred metres are predicted to have occurred since the
beginning of the Proterozoic. As mountain building is predicted
to decrease on average with time, because of the reduction in
internal heat generation, and as erosion is dependent on the average
elevation, this average elevation will decrease slowly through
time, the opposite of what some workers have predicted. A more
complicated model of mountain building is then investigated, in
which one component of mountain building has a sinusoidal signal.
The oscillations in average elevation depend on the period of
the sinusoid, being smaller for shorter periods. Finally, an average
continental elevation is derived using a list of real orogenic
events. Although this list of orogenies is incomplete, there is
some indication that the actual continental elevation as seen
in the flooding history of the continents is similar to that derived
in this paper.
Key words: Erosion rates; Mountain building; Continental elevation』
Mechanical load
Individual river data
Continental average data
Dissolved load
Other estimates of erosion rate
Rates of mountain building
Change in continental thickness with time
Proterozoic sea levels
Freeboard through time