Berner & Holdren(1979)による〔『Mechanism of feldspar weathering - II. Observations of feldspars from soils』(1173p)から〕



 Examination of the surface morphology (via scanning electron microscopy) and surface composition (via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) of sodic plagioclase and potash feldspar grains taken from four different soils, provides little or no evidence for the existence of a tightly adhering protective surface layer of altered composition on the feldspar surface. Grains, from which all adhering clay has been removed by ultrasonic cleaning, exhibit the same chemical composition in the outermost few tens of angstroms as the underlying feldspar. Aluminum-rich ‘clay’ coatings which continue to adhere to the grains after ultrasonic treatment are patchy, highly hydrous, and unlikely to act as major diffusion-limiting, and thus protective, barriers. Attack by dissolution of the feldspar surface is non-uniform and follows a definite etching sequence characterized by the development and growth of distinctive etch pits. This dissolution sequence can be reproduced by treating fresh feldspars in the laboratory with strong HF-H2SO4- solutions and, thus, the sequence is unaffected by the composition of the attacking solution. All of our results suggest that the dissolution of feldspar during weathering is controlled by selective chemical reaction at the feldspar-solution interface and not by uniform diffusion through a protective surface layer.』


 Surface morphology
 Surface composition
Implications for feldspar weathering
