Dissolution rates of minerals depend on several factors. Among
them, the factor measuring the deviation of the solution from
equilibrium has not been sufficiently investigated.The dissolution
rate of kaolinite as it would be “measured ” by experiments has
been calculated from an expression deduced from experiments. The
calculations show that the “measured” dissolution rate may deviate
significantly from that corresponding to a far-from-equilibrium
solution. The deviation increases as temperature increases, the
ratio between flow rate and reactive surface decreases, and pH
tends to neutral. This deviation leads to dramatic changes in
activation energy as deduced from a regression of a limited number
of experiments. Activation energy values tend to decrease apparently
as pH tends to neutral, exactly as suggested in the literature
for some silicates. Therefore, the deviation-from-equilibrium
factor may significantly affect measured dissolution rates, and
must be taken into account in obtaining the activation energy
values of dissolution/precipitation reactions.』
1. Introduction
2. Method of calculation
3. Results and discussion