Understanding the effects of bacteria on mineral weathering
will require careful, controlled experiments in chemical reactors.
Unfortunately, many of the details of protocol for such experiments
have not yet been addressed. In particular, experimenters need
to find ways to normalize experiments for the mass of bacteria
involved in reaction and need to measure the rate of change of
this mass. Furthermore, experimenters will need to define whether
mineral dissolution occurs during the log or stationary phase
of growth. Bacteria cell mass should be quantified both
before and after dissolution. In some cases, flow bioreactors
will be useful to understand dissolution under steady state conditions.
Finally, even the choice of medium will involve trade-offs between
encouraging growth of bacteria while mimicking natural
In the case study for mineral dissolution presented here, two
bacterial species of the genera Streptomyces and
Arthrobacter, each involved in the natural weathering of
hornblende, were investigated in growth experiments in medium
with hornblende. Experiments with and without desferrioxamine
B (its mesylate salt deferoxamine mesylate, DFAM) were also completed.
In the presence of bacteria or DFAM, Fe release from hornblende
is accelerated by up to a factor of 〜20. Both bacteria
produce catecholamide siderophores that are presumed responsible
for the enhanced Fe release when bacteria are present.
These results represent the first quantification of the rate of
release of Fe from a mineral in the presence of the siderophore-producing
bacteria, with subsequent identification of the siderophore.
The rate of Fe release from hornblende increases non-linearly
in bacteria-free experiments with increasing concentrations
of DFAM. Such a rate-concentration function is consistent with
formation of surface complexes on the hornblende surface. Surface
complexation may also explain enhancement of Fe release in the
presence of the catechol siderophores produced by the arthrobacter
and streptomycete. The effects of siderophores on Fe transport
could be significant in many soils.
Keywords: Microbial; Hornblende; Siderophores; Dissolution 』
ここで示した鉱物溶解についての事例研究において、Streptomyces および Arthrobacter属の2種のバクテリアが、それぞれホルンブレンド(普通角閃石)の天然風化に伴うが、ホルンブレンドを培地とした成長実験において調べられた。desferrioxamine
B(そのメシラート塩 deferoxamine mesylate, DFAM)を加えた実験と加えない実験も行われた。バクテリアまたはDFAMが存在すると、ホルンブレンドからのFeの放出は〜20倍まで促進される。どちらのバクテリアもcatecholamide親鉄剤を生成し、それはバクテリアが存在する時にFeの放出を促進する原因であると推定される。これらの結果は、親鉄剤を生成するバクテリアの存在する場合の鉱物からのFeの放出速度を、その親鉄剤の同定とともに、初めて定量化したものであることを示す。ホルンブレンドからのFeの放出速度は、バクテリアの存在しない実験ではDFAMの濃度の増加とともに非線形的に増加する。そのような速度−濃度の相関は、ホルンブレンド表面に表面錯体が形成されているとすることと矛盾はない。表面錯形成反応により、arthrobacter
および streptomyceteにより作られたcatechol親鉄剤の存在する時にFeの放出が促進されることも説明されるだろう。Feの輸送に対する親鉄剤の影響は多くの土壌で重要であるだろう。』
1. Introduction
1.1. Siderophores: a review
2. Materials and methods: hornblende case study
2.1. Batch experiments
2.2. Flow reactors
2.3. Chemical analyses
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Dissolution: batch experiments
3.2. Dissolution: flow-through experiments
3.3. Presence of siderophores
4. Siderophore-promoted dissolution of other minerals
4.1. Microbe-mineral-medium ratios
4.2. Changing solution chemistry
4.3. Choice of medium
5. Conclusions