Hinsinger et al.(2001)による〔『Plant-induced weathering of basaltic rock: Experimental evidence』(137p)から〕


【フロー型反応器(stirred, mixed flow reactor)に植物(バナナ、とうもろこし)をセットして溶解実験を行い、植物が玄武岩質岩石の風化に与える影響を検討】

 The active role of higher plants in the weathering of silicate minerals and rocks is still a question for debate. The present work aimed at providing experimental evidence of the important role of a range of crop plants in such processes. In order to quantitatively assess the possible effect of these diverse plant species on the weathering of a basaltic rock, two laboratory experiments were carried out at room temperature. These compared the amounts of elements released from basalt when leached with a dilute salt solution in the presence or absence of crop plants grown for up to 36 days. For Si, Ca, Mg, and Na, plants resulted in an increase in the release rate by a factor ranging from 1 to 5 in most cases. Ca and Na seemed to be preferentially released relative to other elements, suggesting that plagioclase dissolved faster than the other constituents of the studied basalt. Negligible amounts of Fe were released in the absence of plants as a consequence of the neutral pH and atmospheric pO2 that were maintained in the leaching solution. However, the amounts of Fe released from basalt in the presence of plants were up to 100- to 500-fold larger than in the absence of plants, for banana and maize. The kinetics of dissolution of basalt in the absence of plants showed a constantly decreasing release rate over the whole duration of the experiments (36 days). No steady state value was reached both in the absence and presence of banana plants. However, in the latter case, the rates remained at a high initial level over a longer period of time (up to 15 days) before starting to decrease. For Fe, the maximum rate of release was reached beyond 4 days and this rate remained high up to 22 days of growth of banana. The possible mechanisms responsible for this enhanced release of elements from basalt in the presence of plants are discussed. Although these mechanisms need to be elucidated, the present results clearly show that higher plants can considerably affect the kinetics of dissolution of basaltic rock. Therefore, they need to be taken into account when assessing the biogeochemical cycles of elements that are major nutrients for plans, such as Ca, Mg, and K, but also micronutrients such as Fe and ‘nonessential’ elements such as Si and Na.』


1. Introduction
 The alteration of rocks at the surface of Earth crust has long been attributed to the sole meteoric processes, as implicitly evidenced by the etymology of the word ‘weathering.’ While the circulating water is certainly a major weathering agent, investigations on the effects of organic acids on rocks have received great interest in recent years, in the hope of elucidating the possible role of these biochemical agents in the weathering of rocks and minerals, especially in soil environments (e.g., Huang and Keller, 1970; Schnitzer and Kodama,1976; Razzaghe and Robert, 1979; Tan, 1986; Barman et al., 1992; Eick et al., 1996a and b). In most of these studies organic acids were implicitly assumed to originate from the decomposition of organic matter (i.e., dead parts of living organisms) by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. There are also numerous research findings which show that microbes can themselves significantly weather minerals and rocks by excreting organic acids or siderophores (e.g., Banfield et al., 1999; Brantley et al., 1999) and possibly other metabolites which influence pH and redox conditions, as reviewed in details by Robert and Berthelin(1986). Microbiological activity can thereby be responsible for typical weathering features as evidenced for glass and olivine by Callot et al.(1987), for basalt glass by Thorseth et al.(1992), and for silicates such as feldspars by Jongmans et al.(1997) or olivine by Banfield et al.(1999).
 Although land plants are widespread on the whole surface of the Earth, there is much less reported evidence of them being directly responsible for the weathering of rocks (Robert and Berthelin, 1986). Recent papers even showed that whether land plants can effectively play a significant direct role in the weathering of rocks and minerals is still a question for debate (Drever, 1994; Jackson, 1996). This debate, however, focuses on lichens, which are symbiotic associations of algae and fungi characterized by fairly low growth rates and nutrient requirements that enable them to play the role of pioneer vegetation in the colonization of fresh rocks (Chapin, 1980).
 Conversely, other land plants such as higher plants can achieve very high growth rates, which are associated with large rates of uptake of water and nutrients. In addition, as their growth relies on photosynthesis they play a major role in CO2 cycling and contribute to a considerable input of C into the soil since about 25% to 60% of C that is assimilated by the plants is recovered in the below ground parts of the plants during the course of their lives (Lambers et al., 1996; Gobran et al., 1999). About half of this is used for growing roots, the other half being excreted in the soil as various root exudates including respired CO2 (Lambers et al., 1996). As Berner(1992, 1999) pointed out, higher plants have thereby played a major role in the dissolution of Ca and Mg silicates. The C that is released by roots also stimulates the growth of microorganisms in the peculiar volume of soil that is surrounding the roots, i.e., the rhizosphere (Darrah, 1993). In addition to these microbial changes it has been shown in the recent decades that the roots of higher plants can also lead to profound changes of the chemical conditions in the so-called rhizosphere (as reviewed by Darrah, 1993; Marschner, 1995; Hinsinger, 1998).
 Uptake of water and inorganic ions (mineral nutrients) at high fluxes by plant roots is responsible for important mass exchanges in the rhizosphere that can drastically modify ionic concentrations in the surrounding liquid phases as reviewed by Hinsinger(1998). Hinsinger and Jaillard(1993) have shown that the considerable decrease in K concentration that occurred around absorbing roots was directly responsible for the weathering of K-bearing phyllosilicates such as trioctahedral micas that had been reported to occur in the rhizosphere by several authors (Mortland et al., 1956; Spyridakis et al., 1967; Hinsinger et al., 1992; Kodama et al., 1994).
 The uptake of cations and anions by roots is also directly responsible for substantial changes in rhizosphere pH (Romheld, 1986; Marschner, 1995; Hinsinger, 1998). Indeed when an excess of cations over anions are taken up by roots, they excrete protons so as to maintain their electrical neutrality (Haynes, 1990)., thereby resulting in a decrease in pH in the outer medium. Such a root-induced acidification of the rhizosphere has been shown to be responsible for significant dissolution of Ca carbonates (Jaillard et al., 1991) or phosphates (Aguilar and van Dienst, 1981; Hinsinger and Gilkes, 1996; Hinsinger and Gilkes, 1997) and even phyllosilicates (Hinsinger et al., 1993).
 Higher plants can also profoundly affect the redox conditions in the rhizosphere, which strongly determine the dynamics of Fe- and Mn-bearing minerals (Uren, 1981; Hinsinger, 1998). Most plants can reduce Fe (Brown and Ambler, 1973; Bienfait et al., 1983; Marschner and Romhedl,1994) and should thereby influence the dissolution of Fe-bearing minerals. Besides, as pointed out earlier, considerable amounts of C are released by roots as various exudates (Darrah, 1993). These not only feed rhizosphere microorganisms. Some of them and particularly organic anions such as citrate for instance (Dinkelaker et al., 1987; Gerke et al., 1994) and nonproteinogenic amino acids called phytosiderophores (Takagi et al., 1984; Romheld, 1991) can complex Fe and numerous other metals. They can thus directly affect the dissolution of the solid phases that contain such metals (Jones et al., 1996; Hiradate and Inoue, 1998). Among higher plants, the various plant species can considerably differ in their ability to alter the chemical conditions of their rhizosphere and, thereby, to adapt to adverse soil conditions (Marschner, 1995): those differences are both qualitative (implied mechanisms) and quantitative (resulting fluxes). Although the direct effect of higher plants on the weathering of minerals and rocks has not been often clearly demonstrated in situ (Gobran et al., 1999), the abovementioned, recent studies showing the diverse chemical changes occurring in the rhizosphere suggest that various mechanisms may be involved.
 Evaluating the role of higher plants in the weathering of minerals and rocks is crucial to a better understanding of biogeochemical cycles at the surface of the Earth. These processes are a major source of nutrients for plants and thus need to be better accounted for in the overall budgets of nutrients in natural ecosystems and, more critically so in the perspective of sustainable production of forests (Marques et al., 1997) and agrosystems. In addition, silicate rocks are now being considered for their potential use in agriculture as alternative slow-release fertilizers (Barak et al., 1983; Coroneos et al., 1996) or amendments (Gillman, 1980). In that respect, too, a better knowledge of how the plants can affect the kinetics of dissolution of silicate rocks and minerals is a prerequisite to the assessment of their potential benefit (Harley and Gilkes, 2000).
 The aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the possible effect of higher plants on the weathering of a basaltic rock, for a range of plant species. These were selected among diverse botanical groups. Crop plants were used because of their potentially high growth rates and correspondingly high requirements for nutrients. Two laboratory experiments were carried out to compare the amounts of elements released from basalt when leached with a dilute salt solution at room temperature in the presence or absence of crop plants grown for up to 36 days.』

2. Material and methods
 2.1. Basalt material
 2.2. Plant material
 2.3. Experimental set-up and conditions
 2.4. Analytical techniques
3. Results
 3.1. Analysis of the leachates
 3.2. Plant growth
 3.3. Plant uptake
 3.4. Mass balance of elements in the presence or absence of plants
4. Discussion
 4.1. Order of release of elements and congruence of the dissolution of basalt
 4.2. Kinetics of dissolution
 4.3. Dissolution rates in the presence or absence of plants
 4.4. Possible mechanisms of plant-induced dissolution of basalt
5. Conclusions
