Finneran,D.W. and Morse,J.W.(2009): Calcite dissolution kinetics in saline waters. Chemical Geology, 268, 137-146.


@The effect of ionic strength (I), pCO2, and temperature on the dissolution rate of calcite was investigated in magnesium-free, phosphate-free, low calcium (mCa2+เ0.01 m) simple KCl and NaCl solutions over the undersaturation range of 0.4…ƒถcalcite…0.8. First-order kinetics were found sufficient to describe the rate data where the rate constant (k) is dependent at the same I indicating that Na+ interacts more strongly with the calcite surface than K+ or that water is less available in NaCl solutions. Rates increased with increasing pCO2 and temperature, and their influences diminished at high I. Arrhenius plots yielded a relatively high activation energy (Eaเ20}2 kJ mol-1) which indicated that dissolution was dominated by surface-controlled processes. The multiple regression model (MR) of Gledhill and Morse (2006a) was found to adequately describe the results at high I in NaCl solutions, but caution must be used when extrapolating to low I or pCO2 values. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the mole fraction of gfreeh solvent (XgfreehH2O) plays a significant role in the dissolution kinetics of calcite with a minimum value of `45-55“ required for dissolution to proceed in undersaturated solutions at 25-55Ž and pCO2 = 0.1-1 atm. This hypothesis has been incorporated into a modified version of the MR model of Gledhill and Morse (2006a) where XgfreehH2O has replaced I and the Ca2+ and Mg2+ terms have been dropped:
@kpred = ƒภo + ƒภ1T +ƒภ2pCO2 + ƒภ3XgfreehH2O.

Keywords: Calcite; Dissolution kinetics; Ix

1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
3. Calculations
4. Results
5. Discussion
@5.1. I
@5.2. pCO2
@5.3. Temperature
@5.4. Mole faction of gfreeh water
@5.5. Multiple regression model
6. Conclusions
