In-situ measurement of anorthite dissolution in Na-Cl-OH solutions
at an ionic strength (IS) of 0.5 mol/L (M) and in artificial seawater
(IS=0.7M) were conducted at 22℃ using white-light, phase-shift
interference microscopy (PSI-M). Nanometer-scale surface topography
by PSI-M revealed three-dimensionally inhomogeneous surface dissolution,
which is commonly observed as retreating steps on anorthite surfaces.
Continuous dissolution of the anorthite cleavage surface (010)
was successfully measured within a day. The vertical dissolution
velocity was 4.3×10-5 to 1.4×10-3 nm/s.
The obtained dissolution rates showed a typical dependency on
pH with a reaction order of 0.191, and could be consistently extended
to the previous data obtained under acidic conditions (Luttge
et al. 1999). In-homogeneities in the vertical dissolution velocities
at each pH condition could be interpreted by the step dynamics
explained by the Burton-Cablera-Frank (BCF) theory (Burton et
al. 1951). These results emphasize that the velocity of step retreat
is a strong function of the step density, whichhas to be taken
into account when describing the global dissolution phenomena
on mineral surfaces.
Keywords: Interferometry; dissolution; anorthite; step
Optical method
Reference for PSI measurement
Experimental methods
Rate law
pH dependency
Dissolution mechanisms based on step dynamics
References cited