Van Hees et al.(2002)による〔『Dissolution of microcline and labradorite in a forest O horizon extract: the effect of naturally occurring organic acids』(199p)から〕


【フロー型反応器(“single pass” flow through reactor)によるマイクロクリン(微斜長石)、ラブラドライト(曹灰長石)、天然土壌(C層)の溶解実験】

 Water extracts of O horizon soil (mor) containing realistic soil solution levels of organic acids and cations were used to dissolve microcline, labradorite and a natural soil (C-horizon) in fluidized bed reactors. Experiments were also conducted with inorganic solutions containing the same concentration of cations (inorganic eluent) as in the mor extract until reaction rates were stabilized. All experiments were performed at pH 3.5 and 5. After 2000 h, the dissolution rate for the microcline experiments was in the range 0.6-6×10-16 mol mineral cm-2 s-1. In the mor eluent, the rate was largely unaffected at pH 3.5 but at pH 5, the increase on average was by a factor of 3 compared to the inorganic eluent. The increase of the dissolution rate for labradorite by the mor eluent of pH 3.5 was small (1.3 times), but at pH 5, the rate tripled (range 0.2-3×10-15 mol mineral cm-2 s-1) compared to inorganic control. The largest increase in the dissolution rate (comparing the inorganic and mor eluent) was observed for natural soil which at pH 5 increased by a factor of 6. The presence of secondary minerals, which dissolve and affect the dissolution rate, might be a possible cause for this observation. The relative release ratio for Al/Si (RRRAl) was below 1 for all microcline runs, but higher for runs with the mor eluent. Labradorite experiments showed RRRAl values of 1.5-2.3 in the mor eluent and a stoichiometric Al release in the inorganic eluent.

Keywords: Dissolution rate; Organic acid; Soil; Microcline; Labradorite; Soil solution』

 O層土壌(モルまたは粗腐植)から得た、実際の土壌溶液レベルの有機酸と陽イオンを含む抽出水を、流動床型反応器を使ったマイクロクリン、ラブラドライト、天然土壌(C層)試料の溶解実験のために用いた。モル抽出水と同じ濃度の陽イオンを含む無機溶液も別に用い、反応速度が安定するまで実験を行った。実験はすべてpH3.5とpH5の条件である。2000時間後に、マイクロクリン試料の溶解速度は、0.6〜6×10-16 モル〔鉱物〕/cm2/秒の範囲にあった。モル抽出水の場合、無機溶液の場合に比べて、溶解速度はpH3.5では大きく変わらないが、pH5 ではそうでなくて3倍ほど平均して増加する。モル抽出水を用いたラブラドライト試料の溶解速度の無機溶液に対する増加は、pH3.5では小さいが(1.3倍)、pH5では3倍になる(0.2〜3×10-15 モル〔鉱物〕/cm2/秒)。溶解速度の増加が最も大きいのは(無機溶液とモル抽出水を比べて)、pH5条件の天然土壌試料の場合で、6倍も増加した。これは、二次鉱物が溶解したり溶解速度に影響を与えた可能性がある。AlのSiに対する相対放出比〔Al/Si(RRRAl)〕はマイクロクリン試料を使ったすべての実験では1以下であるが、モル抽出水の場合は比較的大きな値をとる。ラブラドライト試料では、モル抽出水の場合に1.5〜2.3(RRRAl)を示し、無機溶液の場合は化学量論的なAl放出を示す。』

1. Introduction
2. Material and methods
 2.1. Bed reactors
 2.2. Minerals
 2.3. Preparation of eluent solutions
 2.4. Analysis
 2.5. Calculations
 2.6. Statistics
3. Results
 3.1. Experimental set-up and analysis of eluents
 3.2. Weathering of microcline
 3.3. Weathering of labradorite
 3.4. Weathering of a natural soil (C-horizon soil)
4. Discussion
 4.1. Proton and ligand promotion
 4.2. Microcline experiments
 4.3. Labradorite experiments
 4.4. Natural soil (C-horizon soil) experiments
 4.5. Natural soil solutions
5. Conclusions
