This introduction provides an overview of the history, present
status, and future perspective of research in the fields of mineral
prospectivity analysis and quantitative resource estimation. It
also summarizes the papers included in the Special Issue』
1. Mineral prospectively analysis
1.1. The traditional approach
1.2. Application of statistical techniques
1.3. Development of process-based approaches
1.4. Future perspective
2. Quantitative resource estimation
2.1. Future perspective
3. Organization of the special issue
3.1. Group 1: Conceptual framework for mineral prospectivity
3.2. Group 2: Effect of map scale on mineral prospectivity analysis
3.3. Group 3: Case studies of prospectivity analysis using a
mineral system approach
3.4. Group 4: Studies linking prospectivity analysis to quantitative
resource estimation
3.5. Group 5: Quantitative resource estimation