Kochergin,A.V.(2009): Perspectives of phosphorite mineralization in Lower Paleozoic rocks of the Zilair synclinorium, Southern Urals. Lithology and Mineral Resources, 44(6), 579-586.


 Data on the phosphorite mineralization, lithology, and variability of Lower Paleozoic rocks in the Zilair synclinorium and Yuryuzan basin are given. Comparison of Lower Paleozoic rocks with type sections of phosphatic-bearing rocks in the world suggested their compliance with the phosphorite-enclosing rocks of the fine-grained phosphorite association. Analysis of the facies variability of rocks indicate the possibility of the discovery of large phosphorite deposits in the Yuryuzan and Syuren subzones of the Western structural-facies zone. Phosphorite deposits are unknown in the synclinorium because of their instability during hypergenesis and burial under allochthonous loose sediments of the Cenozoic.』

Materials and methods
Results and discussion
