Gil,K., Rho,H., Kim,D. and Stenstrom,M.K.(2012): Comparison of Bio-P module and the Modified Bio-P module in the step-feed biological nutrient removal process. Environ. Earth Sci., 65, 929-936.


 The Modified Bio-P module was evaluated in terms of the kinetic rate expression and engineering parameters, comparing the measured data of full-scale plant with simulated data. To simulate step-feed BNR (Biological Nutrient Removal), the ASM3 (Activated Sludge Model 3) with the EAWAG Bio-P Module (The Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology) and the ASM3 + Modified Bio-P module were used. The RMSEs (root mean square error) or the T-N (total nitrogen) concentration of the effluent levels of measured and simulated examples were 2.29 for ASM3 + Bio-P and 1.28 for ASM3 + Modified Bio-P. In the case of T-P (total phosphorus), the RMSEs were 0.28 for ASM3 + Bio-^P and 0.25 for ASM3 + Modified Bio-P. The annual removal rates for T-N were 0.77 for the measured, 0.69 for the Bio-P, and 0.74 for the Modified Bio-P samples, while the annual removal rates for T-P were 0.64 for the measured, 0.72 for the Bio-P, and 0.60 for the Modified Bio-P cases. With simulated data, the Modified Bio-P model was a better fit for the field data compared to Bio-P. The Modified Bio-P module reproduced the step-feed process more effectively than the Bio-P module.

Keywords: Activated sludge model 3 (ASM3); Modified Bio-P; Bio-P; Biological nutrient removal (BNR); Modeling』

List of symbols
 Description of the process
 ASM3 + Bio-P/ASM + Modified Bio-P
 Modeling conditions and simulation procedures
 Simulation of two models using the optimized parameters
 Changes in the C/N ratio
Results and discussion
 Comparison of the models with the estimated parameters
 Comparison of reproduced results after changes in the C/N ratio
 Changes in the P-release rate due to changes in the pre-anoxic tank HRT
 Annual removal amounts of T-N and T-P
