Lapworth,D.J., Gooddy,D.C. and Jarvie,H.P.(2011): Understanding phosphorus mobility and bioavailability in the hyporheic zone of a chalk stream. Water Air Soil Pollut., 218, 213-226.


@This paper investigates the changes in bioavailable phosphorus (P) within the hyporheic zone of a groundwater-dominated chalk stream. In this study, tangential flow fractionation is used to investigate P associations with different size fractions in the hyporheic zone, groundwater and surface water. P speciation is similar for the river and the chalk aquifer beneath the hyporheic zone, with edissolvedf P (ƒ10 kDa) accounting for `90“ of the P in the river and „90“ in the deep groundwaters. Within the hyporheic zone, the proportion of ecolloidalf (ƒ0.45ƒสm and„10 kDa) and eparticulatef („0.45ƒสm) P is higher than in either the groundwater or the surface water, accounting for `30“ of total P. Our results suggest that zones of interaction within the sand and gravel deposits directly beneath and adjacent to river systems generate colloidal and particulate forms of fulvic-like organic material and regulate bioavailable forms of P, perhaps through co-precipitation with CaCO3. While chalk aquifers provide some degree of protection to surface water ecosystems through physiochemical processes of P removal, where flow is maintained by groundwater, ecologically significant P concentrations (20-30ƒสg/L) are still present in the groundwater and are an important source of bioavailable P during baseflow conditions. The nutrient storage capacity of the hyporheic zone and the water residence times of this dynamic system are largely unknown and warrant further investigation.

Keywords: nutrients; Phosphorus; Hyporheic; Groundwater; River; Chalk; Tangential flow fractionation (TFF)x

1. Introduction
2. Site description
@2.1. Geology and hydrogeology
@2.2. Study site
3. Methodology
@3.1. Groundwater and surface water sampling
@3.2. Tangential flow fractionation
@3.3. Chemical analysis
4. Results and discussion
@4.1. Colloid-phosphorus association in surface waters, hyporheic waters and groundwaters
@4.2. Sources and mobility of colloid-bound and dissolved phosphorus
5. Conclusions
