Curia,A.C., Koppe,J.C., Costa,J.F.C.L., Feris(eの頭に´),L.A. and Gerber,W.D.(2011): Application of pilot-scale-constructed wetland as tertiary treatment system of wastewater for phosphorus and nitrogen removal. Water Air Soil Pollut., 218, 131-143.


 his paper presents the results of using a pilot-scale-constructed wetland as a tertiary system to simulate the treatment conditions of wastewater effluents from the metal-mechanical industry, aiming to achieve the Brazilian legal standards of phosphorus and nitrogen emission. The macrophytes were placed in 1 m3 polyethylene tanks, daily estimating the treatment of 2 m3 of effluents. The effluents were circulated in a horizontal subsurface flow through a porous matrix of thick sand and gravel, in which the roots of the macrophytes of the species Reed (Scirpus sp.) and Cattail (Typha sp.) were fixed. Monitoring of the pilot plant was performed through a battery of physical-chemical and biological analyses. Despite the load variations and operational problems, the system presented a positive degree of pollutant efficiency removal, especially for phosphorus (73% medium), TK (61% medium), and NH4-N (56% medium). Peak results were achieved during the last 3 months of monitoring. The chemical analysis of the support layer, plus the root system and aerial portion of the plants, revealed that these wastes could be used as fertilizer.

Keywords: Constructed wetland; Metal-mechanical industry; Tertiary system; Phosphorus; Nitrogen』

1. Introduction
2. Material and methods
 2.1. Project and operation
 2.2. Samples and analyses
 2.3. Characterization of aquatic plant wastes
 2.4. Statistical analyses
3. Results and discussion
 3.1. Operational problems and system maintenance
 3.2. Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus
  3.2.1. Effect of the temperature
  3.2.2. Effect of the seasons
  3.2.3. Destination of aquatic plant wastes
4. Conclusion
 4.1. Recommendations
