Matijevic(cの頭に´),S., Bojanic(cの頭に´),N., Kuspilic(sの頭にv、cの頭に´),G. and Gladan,Z(頭にv).N.(2009): Seasonal variations of phosphorus species in sediment from the middle Adriatic Sea. Environ. Earth Sci., 59, 853-866.


 Phosphorus (P) species concentrations in 0-2 cm surface sediment layer were investigated monthly from November 2001 to December 2002 at the bay, channel and open sea stations in the middle Adriatic. Modified SEDEX method was used for inorganic phosphorus species determination [P in biogenic (P-FD), authigenic (P-AUT), detrital apatite (P-DET) and P adsorbed on to iron oxides and hydroxides (P-Fe)], and organic phosphorus (P-ORG). P-FD, P-AUT and P-DET concentration ranges (1.5-5.4, 0-2.7 and 0.4-3.4 μmol g-1, respectively) were similar at all stations, and showed no obvious common trend of seasonal changes. P-Fe ranged from 1.9 to 11.9 μmol g-1 with the highest values at bay station and higher seasonal oscillations than other inorganic P forms. P-ORG ranged from 0.3 to 18.7 μmol g-1 with higher concentrations at stations of fine-sized sediments and showed increased concentrations in warm part of the year at all stations. Correlation between concentrations of P-Fe in the surface sediment layer and orthophosphate sediment-water interface concentration gradients at bay and channel stations indicated to P-Fe importance in the orthophosphate benthic flux. For the bay station, linkage between sediment P-ORG and chlorophyll a concentrations, primary production and microzooplankton abundance was established, indicating a 1 month delay of sediment response to production fluctuations in the water column.

Keywords: Sediment; Phosphorus species; SEDEX method; Adriatic Sea』

Materials and methods
 Study area
 Sampling and analytical determinations
Results and discussion
 Orthophosphate (HPO42-) concentration in the sediment pore water
 Biogenic (P-FD), authigenic (P-AUT) and detrital (P-DET) apatite phosphorus species concentrations in the sediment
 Iron-bound phosphorus species (P-Fe) concentrations in the sediment
 Organic P species (P-ORG) concentrations in sediments

