van Eck,G.T.M.(1982): Forms of phosphorus in particulate matter from the Hollands Diep/Haringvliet, The Netherlands. Hydrobiologia, 92, 665-681.


 The composition and the different forms of P, in an annual average sample of particulate matter, have been determined to define the nature of the very high concentration of particulate P in the inflowing water of the Hollands Diep/Haringvliet (The Netherlands), and to assess its potential to simulate the growth of aquatic organisms.
 Three phosphorus fractionation schemes and five other extraction procedures have been applied. Seventy per cent of the total phosphorus content is operationally defined as Fe- and Al-bound P but, probably, only a discreet Fe-phosphate is present, with an atomic ratio Fe/P = 1.5. About 50% of total P is present as a colloidal form (<0.45 μm).
 The results indicate that Murphy & Riley's procedure for orthophosphate determination causes some hydrolysis of labile organic phosphorus compounds.
 A fractionation scheme, to determine the different forms of P in particulate matter, is proposed.
 The concentration of potentially algal-available particulate P, which varies between 25 and 50 μg P l-1, has probably no effect on water quality because the concentration of dissolved orthophosphate (250 μg P l-1) is much higher. The huge amounts of Fe-bound P stored in the sediments, however, may retard the improvement of water quality in the future when reduction of the phosphorus loading has been accomplished.

Keywords: particulate matter; P fractionation scheme; iron phosphates; labile organic P; algal-available P』

Materials and methods
 Chemical and mineralogical analyses
 Selective extraction schemes for P
 Extraction schemes
  Scheme 1 (Hieltjes & Lijklema 1980)
  Scheme 2 (Engler et al. 1977)
  Scheme 3 (Williams et al. 1971) as modified by Li (1973)
  Scheme 4 (Duinker et al. 1974; Sorensen et al. 1971)
  Scheme 5 (Shukla 1973)
  Scheme 6 (Spear 1970)
  Scheme 7 (Cowen 1974)
  Scheme 8 (Kemp & Mudrochova 1971)
 Size fractionation
 Chemical and mineralogical composition
 Phosphorus fractions
  (1) Exchangeable-P, (2) carbonate-bound P and (3) hydrolysable-P
  (4) Organic-P
  (5) Fe- and Al-bound P
  (6) Ca-bound P
 Distribution of P as a function of grain sizes
 P-fractionation schemes
 Labile organic phosphorus
 Dissolution of clay minerals
 Algal-available phosphorus
 Fe- and Al-bound phosphorus

試料1 0.5M NaCl、30分間 残渣は廃棄
抽出液→Watanabe and Olsen DRP 交換可能なP(Exchangeable-P)
試料2 1.0M NH4Cl(pH 7)、2時間2回


Murphy and Riley DRP炭酸塩結合P交換可能なP 不安定有機P(labile organic-P)


Watanabe and Olsen DRP交換可能なP 炭酸塩結合P(carbonate-bound-P)


0.1M NaOH、16時間


Murphy and Riley DRP Fe・Al結合P(Fe- and Al-bound P)


Murphy and Riley TDP-DRP 安定有機P(resistant organic-P)


0.5M HCl、24時間 残渣は廃棄
抽出液→Murphy and Riley DRP Ca結合P(Ca-bound-P)
DRP=可溶の反応性リン酸塩(dissolved reactive phosphate)
TDP=全溶存リン(total dissolved phosphorus)

※オルトリン酸塩と全リンは、Murphy & Riley(1962)を修正したEisenreich et al.(1975)Watanabe & Olsen(1962)により分析。粒子状物質の分別法は、Hieltjes & Lijklema(1980)を使用。
