Hartzell,J.L., Jordan,T.E. and Cornwell,J.C.(2010): Phosphorus burial in sediments along the salinity gradient of the Patuxent River, a subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay (USA). Estuaries and Coasts, 33, 92-106.


 We used a sequential extraction technique and 210Pb dating to determine the chemical form and amount of particulate phosphorus (PP) that is retained during burial in 1-m-long sediment cores collected along a salinity gradient from tidal freshwater to the mesohaline waters of the Patuxent River, a subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay. PP buried in the study sites with salinity values ≦3 was similar in concentration and form to PP entering the Patuxent from the watershed, suggesting efficient sequestration by the sediments at these low-salinity sites. PP extracted with citrate-dithionite-bicarbonate was the dominant form of PP at all salinities and all depths, and organic-P was the second most abundant fraction. we estimated that 81% of PP entering from the watershed is trapped in the sediments of the upper Patuxent subestuary and that the subtidal sediments retain three times as much PP as the marshes adjacent to the study sites.

Keywords: Phosphorus; Sediments; Patuxent river; Chesapeake bay; Citrate dithionite bicarbonate (CDB)』

Study location
 Sediment and pore water collection
 Chemical analyses
 Sediment characterization
 210Pb dating
 Spatial variability of PP fractions
 Spatial trends in CDB extractable Fe (CDB-Fe)
 Sediment characterization
 210Pb dating
 Pore water solutes
 The fate of PP entering the upper Patuxent River subestuary
  P burial rates
  P burial in subtidal and marsh sediments
  P budget for the Patuxent
  Historical P loading
 The Chemical forms of PP retained in the sediments
  CDB-extractable P (Fe-P)
  Authigenic CFA

