Reddy,K.R., Wang,Y., DeBusk,W.F., Fisher,M.M. and Newman,S.(1998): Forms of soil phosphorus in selected hydrologic units of the Florida Everglades. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 62, 1134-1147.


 The Florida Everglades wetland ecosystem is subject to changes in hydroperiod and nutrient loading, resulting in soil P enrichment and changes in vegetation communities. The objectives of this study were to: (i) quantify the forms of inorganic and organic P in soils from four hydrologic units of the Everglades, and (ii) develop empirical relationships among various soil P forms. Solid samples from selected hydrologic units, including the Water Conservation Areas (WCAs) and the Holey Land Wildlife Management Area (HWMA), were obtained at various locations along transects perpendicular to each nutrient input source, while selected field sites were sampled in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). Spatial distribution of total P in the surface 0- to 10-cm soil depth showed distinct gradients in the WCAs and HWMA soils, with high total P in soils closer to sources (canals and inflow structures) than in interior, unimpacted areas. Soil ash content and bulk density were also altered as a result of soil subsidence (for EAA soils), hydrology, and nutrient loading (for the WCAs and the HWMA soils). Influence of P loading was primarily confined to the top 30-cm soil depth, with about one-third of the P stored in the inorganic pool (primarily as Ca- and Mg-bound P), and the remainder present as organic P. Inorganic P content was higher in surface soils and decreased with depth. Soil P enrichment indicated that for approximately 5 km from the inflow structures or canals, soils have been impacted by nutrient loading. Empirical relationships developed in this study should be useful for estimating soil P forms at the landscape level, using total P data available for a large number of sites throughout the Everglades region.』

Materials and methods
 Site description
 Sampling and analysis
 Soil phosphorus fractionation
  Potassium chloride extractable phosphorus
  Sodium hydroxide extractable phosphorus
  Hydrochloric acid extractable P
  Residual phosphorus and total phosphorus
  Bicarbonate-extractable phosphorus
  Microbial biomass phosphorus
  Total labile organic phosphorus
  Hydrochloric acid extractable phosphorus and cations
 Data analysis
 Soil phosphorus forms
  Labile inorganic phosphorus
  Sodium hydroxide extractable phosphorus (iron- and Aluminum-bound phosphorus)
  Hydrochloric acid-extractable inorganic phosphorus (calcium- and magnesium-bound phosphorus)
  Total inorganic phosphorus
  Total labile organic phosphorus and microbial biomass phosphorus
  Sodium hydroxide extractable organic phosphorus
  Residual organic phosphorus
  Total organic phosphorus
 Phosphorus storage
 Empirical relationships
