Little is known about P species in agro-industrial byproducts
from developing countries, which may be either pollutants or valuable
soil amendments. The present study speciated P in dry (COD) and
wet (COW) coffee, sisal (SIS), barley malt (BEB) and sugar cane
processing (FIC) byproducts, and filter cakes of linseed (LIC)
and niger seed (NIC) with sequential fractionation, solution 31P
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and P K- and L2,3-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure
(XANES) spectroscopy. The sequential P fractionation recovered
59% to almost 100% of total P (Pt), and more than 50% of Pt was
extracted by H2O and NaHCO3
in five out of seven samples. Similarly, the NaOH + EDTA extraction
for solution 31P NMR recovered 48-94% of Pt. The 31P
NMR spectra revealed orthophosphate (6-81%), pyrophosphate (0-10%),
and orthophosphate monoesters (6-94%). Orthophosphate predominated
in COD, COW, SIS. and FIC, whereas BEB, LIC, and NIC were rich
orthophosphate monoesters. The concentrations of Pi and Po determined
in the sequential and NaOH + EDTA extractions and 31P
NMR spectra were strongly and positively correlated (r = 0.88-1.99).
Furthermore, the P K- and L2,3-edge XANES
confirmed the H2SO4-Pi detected in the sequential fractionation
by unequivocal identification of Ca-P phases in a few samples.
The results indicate that the combined use of all four analytical
methods is crucial for comprehensive P speciation in environmental
samples and the application of these byproducts to soil.』
Materials and methods
Sample collection and preparation
Sequential P fractionation
Solution 31P NMR analysis
P L-edge X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure spectroscopy
L2,3-edge X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure
Results and Discussion
Sequentially extracted P fractions
NaOH + EDTA-extracts and solution 31P NMR spectra
P K- and L2,3-edge X-ray Absorption Near-Edge
Structure spectroscopy
Supporting information available
Literature cited