Chen,C.R., Phillips,I.R., Wei,L.L. and Xu,Z.H.(2010): Behaviour and dynamics of di-ammonium phosphate in bauxite processing residue sand in Western Australia - II. Phosphorus fractions and availability. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 17, 1110-1118.

『西オーストラリアのボーキサイト処理残砂中のニアンモニウムリン酸塩の挙動とダイナミクス U.リン画分と有用性』

 Background, aim and scope The production of alumina involves its extraction from bauxite ore using sodium hydroxide under high temperature and pressure. This process yields a large amount of residue wastes, which are difficult to revegetate due to their inherent hostile properties - high alkalinity and sodicity, poor water retention and low nutrient availability. Although phosphorus (P) is a key element limiting successful ecosystem restoration, little information is available on the availability and dynamics of P in rehabilitated bauxite-processing residue sand (BRS). The major aim of this experiment was to quantify P availability and behaviour as affected by pH, source of BRS and d-ammonium phosphate (DAP) application rate.
 Materials and methods This incubation experiment was undertaken using three sources of BRS, three DAP application rates (low, without addition of DAP; medium, 15.07 mg P and 13.63 mg N of DAP per jar, 100 g BRS; and high, 30.15 mg P and 27.26 mg N per jar, 100 g BRS), and four BRS pH treatments (4, 7, 9 and 11 (original)). The moisture content was adjusted to 55% water holding capacity and each BRS sample was incubated at 25℃ for a period of 119 days. After this period, Colwell P and 0.1 M H2SO4 extractable P in BRS were determined. In addition, P sequential fractionation was carried out and the concentration of P in each pool was measured.
 Results and discussion A significant proportion (37% recovered in Colwell P and 48% in 0.1 M H2SO4 extraction) of P added as DAP in BRS are available for plant use. The pH did not significantly affect 0.1 M H2SO4 extractable P, while concentrations of Colwell P in the higher initial pH treatments (pH 7, 9 and 11) were greater than in the pH treatments. The labile fractions (sum of NH4Cl (AP), bicarbonate and first sodium hydroxide extractable P (N(I)P)) consisted of 58-64% and 70-72% of total P in the medium and high DAP rate treatments, respectively. This indicates that most P added as DAP remained labile or moderately labile in BRS, either in solution, or in adsorbed forms on the surface of more crystalline P compounds, sesquioxides and carbonate, or associated with amorphous and some crystalline Al and Fe hydrous oxides. In addition, differences in hydrochloric acid extractable P and the residual-P fractions among the treatments with and without DAP addition were relative small comparing with other P pools (e.g., NaOH extractable P pools), further indicating the limited capacity of BRS for fixing P added in Ca-P and other most recalcitrant forms.
 Conclusions P availability in the original BRS without addition of DAP was very low, mostly in recalcitrant form. It has been clearly demonstrated that significant proportions of P added as DAP could remain labile or moderately labile for plant use during the rehabilitation of bauxite-processing residue disposal areas. There was limited capacity of BRS for fixing P in more recalcitrant forms (e.g., Ca-P and residual-P). Concentrations of most P pools in BRS increased with the DAP application rate. The impact of the pH treatment on P availability varied with the type of P pools and the DAP rate.
 Recommendation and perspectives It is recommended that the development of appropriate techniques for more accurate estimation of P availability in BRS and the quantification of the potential leaching loss of P in BRS are needed for the accurate understanding of P availability and dynamics in BRS. In addition, application of organic matters (e.g., biosolids and biochar, etc.) to BRS may be considered for improving P availability and buffering capacity.

Keywords: Bauxite-processing residue sand; Di-ammonia phosphate; Phosphorus (P) availability; Chemical fractionation; H2SO4 extractable P; Colwell P』

1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
 2.1. Experimental setup
 2.2. Chemical analysis
 2.3. Statistical analysis
3. Results and discussion
 3.1. Available P in BRS
 3.2. Phosphorus fractions from sequential fractionation
4. Conclusions and recommendation

図1 リンの連続分別法のフローチャート(元は図)〔Rayment and Higginson (1992)の方法に基づく〕



1.000 gの風乾土壌 30 mlの1M NH4Clを加え、16時間振とう、10000 rpm(回転数/分)で10分間遠心分離 Solution-P(溶液-P)(AP
残渣 30 mlの0.5M NaHCO3を加え、16時間振とう、10000 rpmで10分間遠心分離 BPi & BPo
残渣 30 mlの0.1M NaOHを加え、16時間振とう、10000 rpmで10分間遠心分離 N(I)Pi & N(I)Po
水洗(30 mlのH2Oを加え、4時間振とう、10000 rpmで10分間遠心分離、上澄み液廃棄)  
残渣 30 mlの1M HClを加え、16時間振とう、10000 rpmで10分間遠心分離 HPi
残渣 30 mlの0.1M NaOHを加え、16時間振とう、10000 rpmで10分間遠心分離 N(II)Pi & N(II)Po
残渣 脱イオン水で温浸管(digestion tube)へ移し、60℃で乾燥、8 mlの濃硝酸(HNO3)と4 mlのHClO4を用いて温浸 Residual-P(残渣-P)
