Phosphorus (P) is a limiting nutrient for terrestrial biological
productivity that commonly plays a key role in net carbon uptake
in terrestrial ecosystems (Tiessen et al. 1984, Roberts et al.
1985, Lajtha and Schlesinger 1988). Unlike nitrogen (another limiting
nutrient but one with an abundant atmospheric pool), the availability
of “new” P in ecosystems is restricted by the rate of release
of this element during soil weathering.
Because of the limitations of P availability, P is generally recycled
to various extents in ecosystems depending on climate, soil type,
and ecosystem level. The release of P from apatite dissolution
is a key control on ecosystem productivity (Cole et al. 1977,
Tiessen et al. 1984, Roberts et al. 1985, Crews et al. 1995, Vitousek
et al. 1997, Schlesinger et al. 1998), which in turn is critical
to terrestrial carbon balances (e.g., Kump and Alley 1994, Adams
1995). Furthermore, the weathering of P from the terrestrial system
and transport by rivers is the only appreciable source of P to
the oceans. On longer time scales, this supply of P also limits
the total amount of primary production in the ocean (Holland 1978,
Broecker 1982, Smith 1984, Filippelli and Delaney 1994). Thus,
understanding the controls on P weathering from land and transport
to the ocean is important for models of global change. In this
paper, I will present an overview of the natural (pre-human) and
modern (syn-human) global P mass balances, followed by in-depth
examinations of several current areas of research in P cycling,
including climatic controls on ecosystem dynamics and soil development,
the control of oxygen on coupled P and Carbon (C) cycling in continental
margins, and the role that P plays in controlling ocean productivity
on Cenozoic timescales.』
Global phosphorus cycling
Natural (pre-human) phosphorus cycle
Apatite dissolution: phosphate rock and synthetic hydroxyapatite
Apatite dissolution: marine sediments and CFAP
Phosphorus cycling in soils
Riverine transport of particulate and dissolved phosphorus
Marine sedimentation
Modern phosphorus cycle
Ecosystem dynamics and soil development
Example of the lake history approach to terrestrial P cycling
Control of oxygen on coupled P and C cycling in continental margins:
A case study from the anoxic Saanich Inlet
Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
Organic carbon and phosphorus geochemistry
Phosphorus burial
Short-term versus long-term burial
Long-term P burial and the global P cycle
Phosphorus and marine productivity on Cenozoic timescales
Weathering changes in the Himalayan-Tibetan plateau
Continental weathering and increased chemical fluxes to the ocean
Nutrient fluxes to the ocean
Late Miocene - early Pliocene weathering event and climate