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 Environmentally significant phosphorus species in water and phosphorus fractions in sediments are briefly discussed and the methods for their determination are described. One of the most critical analytical steps is the separation of the different forms which, after conversion into orthophosphates, may be determined by a multitude of various techniques. spectrophotometric methods are often preferred for routine analysis. Several rapid automatic methods for the separation and determination of orthophosphate, linear polyphosphates, cyclic condensed phosphates and lower oxidation state anions of phosphates, which may exist in natural and waste waters, have been developed. They are mainly based on the use of flow-injection analysis, high-performance liquid chromatography, including ion chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and a few other techniques. These methods have been described and critically evaluated.』

Water analysis
Particulate phosphorus forms
Determination of phosphorus fractions in sediments

Table 1 Environmentally significant phosphorus fractions in water
Particulate Total suspended phosphorus
Suspended reactive phosphorus
Suspended acid-hydrolysable phosphorus
Suspended organic phosphorus
Dissolved Total dissolved phosphorus
Dissolved reactive phosphorus
Dissolved acid-hydrolysable phosphorus
Dissolved organic phosphorus

Table 2 Oxo acids of phosphorus
Formula Abbreviation Name of anion
H3PO4 P1 Orthophosphate
Polyphosphates (linear condensed phosphates) Hn+2PnO3n+1
H4P2O7 P2 Diphosphate
H5P3O10 P3 Triphosphate
H6P4O13 P4 Tetraphosphate
Cyclic condensed phosphates (metaphosphates) (HPO3)n
H3P3O9 P3m Trimetaphosphate
H4P4O12 P4m Tetrametaphosphate
Lower oxidation states
H3PO2 P1 Phosphinate
H3PO3 P3 Phosphonate
H4P2O6 P4-P4 Hypophosphate
H4P2O7 P3-O-P3 Diphosphonate
H4P2O6 P3-O-5 Isohypophosphate

Table3 Detection limits for phosphorus in the analysis of water samples(文献略)
Technique Detection limit
Spectrophotometry (SP) 1-100 River water
2-5 Tap water
0.005* Sea and lake waters
0.1-400 Natural and tap waters
X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRFA) 0.03* River water
0.006* Nastural waters
Flame photometry 30 Tap, river and lake waters
Voltammetry 1-3 Natural and waste waters
Amperometric titration 2000 Natural waters
Potentiometric titration 40 Natural waters
Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) 1-20 Natural waters

River and sea waters
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 40 Natural waters
Electrothermal vaporization 0.3 Natural waters
Molecular fluorimetry 2-20 Natural and tap waters
Ion chromatography 10 Natural and tap waters
Liquid chromatography-SP 10 Natural waters
Flow-injection analysis (FIA)-SP 0.1-12 Natural waters
* After preconcentration.

Table 4 Concentration ranges for spectrophotometric methods
Method Concentration range (μg/L)
Vanadomolybdophosphoric acid 0.1-20
Stannous chloride 0.007-2.0
Ascorbic acid 0.01-2.0

Table 8 Phosphorus fractions in sediments and their significance
Phosphorus fraction Significance
1. Total phosphorus Indivative of total phosphorus burden
2. Adsorbed phosphorus Easily available fraction
3. Non-apatitic phosphorus Available phosphorus fraction in oxugen absence
4. Apatitic phosphorus Relatively stable and inert phosphorus fraction
5. Organic phosphorus Slowly but continuously available fraction
6. Residual phosphorus Not available under environmental conditions
