Saleque,M.A., Naher,U.A., Islam,A., Pathan,A.N.M.B.U., Hossain,A.T.M.S. and Meisner,C.A.(2004): Inorganic and organic phosphorus fertilizer effects on the phosphorus fractionation in wetland rice soils. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J., 68, 1635-1644.


 Long-term effects of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivating with varying nutrient management on soil P fraction are important to understand from soil nutritional and environmental point of view. Soil P fractionation gives an idea about the soil P supplying capacity to plants. The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different nutrient management in wetland rice on the changes of soil P fraction at different depths. Soil samples from five depths (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-30, and 30-50 cm) were collected from a long-term experimental field classified as a Chhiata clay loam, hyperthermic Vertic Endoaquept. The field received six treatments for 10 yr: absolute control with no fertilizer applied (T1), one-third of recommended fertilizer doses (T2), two-thirds of recommended fertilizer doses (T3), full doses of recommended fertilizer (T4), T2 + 5 Mg cow dung (CD) and 2.5 Mg ash ha-1 (T5), and T3 + 5 Mg CD and 2.5 Mg ash ha-1 (T6). The apparent balance of P compared with the initial P status after 10 yr varied from -115 kg ha-1 under T1 to 348 kg ha-1 under T6. The P fractionation study was conducted over the treatments and soil depth. Treatment and depth had no significant effect on solution P. Larger concentrations of NaHCO3 soluble P, NaOH extracted inorganic P (Pi), and acid P were observed under treatments with organic fertilizers (T5 and T6) than with other treatments at 0- to 5-, 5- to 10-, and 10- to 15-cm depths. The concentrations of NaHCO3-P, NaOH-Pi and acid P fractions were lowest under T1 and T2 treatments. At 15 to 30 cm or lower soil depths, none of the P fractions were affected by treatments. The change in NaOH organic P (Po) and residual P (extracted with HNO3 + HClO4) with soil epth was not significant, and the differences in these P fractions under the tested P treatments were not large. The depletion of NaHCO3-P and NaOH-Pi at the 0- to 15-cm depth under control and T2 suggests that the rice plant depends upon these fractions of P. The P depletion profile in wetland rice appears to be confined within the first 15-cm depth. The mean P uptake by rice showed a polynomial relationship with NaHCO3-P and NaOH-Pi (abverage of 0-15 cm) and it was linearly correlated with acid P (0-15 cm).』

Materials and methods
 Soil and location
 Sequential phosphorus fractionation
Results and discussion
 Solution soil phosphorus
 NaOH-Po fraction
 Acid phosphorus
 Residual phosphorus

 無機と有機のリンの留分化は、Sui and Thompson(1999)によるものを修正した方法を各土壌試料に適用した。具体的には以下の手順である:
(4)(2)の残渣を濃硫酸(H2SO4)6mlに加え、1時間温浸して5mLにする。その後、冷却する。過酸化水素(H2O2)5mLを加え、残渣が白色になるまで再加熱する。その後、溶液を測定し、その値から(3)の値を差し引く。(Hedley et al., 1982)⇒NaOH-Po(有機物)−リン
(6)(5)の残渣を濃硝酸(HNO3)と過塩素酸(HClO4)の5:2混合液よう6mLに加え、温浸の後に測定する。(Hedley et al., 1982)⇒残留リン
リンの測定は、試料液を中性に調節した後に、比色分析法(Murphy and Riley, 1962)で行える(リンの吸光度は712 nmの波長)。
