Andersen,H.E. and Kronvang,B.(2006):
Modifying and evaluating a P Index for Denmark. Water,
Air, and Soil Pollution, 174, 341-353.
The European Union recently adopted the Water Framework Directive
aiming at protecting and enhancing the status of aquatic ecosystems.
The Water Framework Directive mandates EU member states to develop
river basin management plans for each river basin. Consequently,
water district managers need tools for identifying critical source
areas within a catchment in order to target cost-effective remedial
measures. The P Index could be well suited for screening large
areas because of its low demand for input data and manpower compared
to mechanistic, process based models. The P Index needs to be
modified to local or regional conditions in order to incorporate
all potential P loss pathways. In Denmark tile drains and leaching
are considered major P loss pathways. We modified the Pennsylvania
P Index to reflect Danish conditions. The Pennsylvania P Index
and the modified Danish P Index were applied on a 1000 km2
catchment. In order to test the P Indices we examined their capability
to correctly rank measured annual diffuse total P losses from
twelve sub-catchments within the 1000 km2 catchment.
Both P Indices, calculated on a sub-catchment basis, correlated
with total P losses. The Danish P Index, however, performed distinctly
better than the Pennsylvania P Index and explained 85% of the
variation in measured diffuse total P losses.
Keywords: phosphorus; P index; water framework directive』
1. Introduction
2. Methods
Source factors
Transport factors
Data for evaluating the P indices
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Evaluating the Pennsylvania P Index
3.2. Modifying a P Index for Danish conditions
3.2.1. Part A - Screening tool/Part B - Source factor/Part C
- Transport factors
3.3. Evaluating the Danish P Index
4. Conclusions
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- Groenendijk,P. and Kroes,J.G.(1999): Modelling the
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- Heathwaite,A.L., Sharpley,A.N. and Gburek,W.J.(2000): Integrating
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- Heathwaite,A.L., Sharpley,A.N. and Bechmann,M.(2003): The
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Development of empirical models. Journal of Plant Nutrition
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- Lemunyon,J.L. and Gilber,R.G.(1993): The concept and need
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- Sharpley,A., Foy,B. and Withers,P.(2000): Practical and
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to water. Journal of Environmental Quality, 29,
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Bryant,R.B.(2002): Modelling phosphorus transport in agricultural
watersheds: Processes and possibilities. Journal of Soil
Water Conservation, 57, 425-439.
- Sharpley,A.N., Weld,J.L., Beegle,D.B., Kleinman,P.J.A., Gburek,W.L.,
Moore,P.A. and Mullins,G.(2003): Development of phosphorus
indices for nutrient management planning strategies in the U.S.
Journal of Soil Water Conservation, 58, 137-152.
- The Pennsylvania Phosphorus Index: Version 1
- Organization to Minimize Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture
『SERA-17 is an organization of research
scientists, policy makers, extension personnel, and educators.
Our mission is to develop and promote innovative solutions to
minimize phosphorus losses from agriculture by supporting:
・information exchange between research, extension, and regulatory
・recommendations for phosphorus management and research
・initiatives that address phosphorus loss in agriculture』